Looking for a 280zx in sacramento area
Does anyone have a 280zx in the greater Sacramento area they would be willing to sell? I'm looking for a daily driver that I can later restore. Thanks! Brian
Dash repair idea
There are a couple different types of fiber glass, if you use the more expensive kind (woven, it very thin and easy to use like carbon fiber), I don't think it would be that thick at all. And fiber glass (or the epoxy at least) sticks to anything. The whole point would be to integrate it into the dash so that it looks original, a dash cap does not look original and is not permanent. You would essentially be adding a new skin to your dash with no more worry of cracks. Does anyone get I'm talking about?
Dash repair idea
So I have been reading the posts about the dash repair process that fills the cracks and then is repainted with the sem texture coating. I have been thinking about doing this for awhile, but since I first thought about doing it another crack showed up. So that got me to thinking about something more permanent. What if the current cracks are filled (like outlined in the other post) but than the whole top portion of the dash is covered in one or two layers of fiber glass. After that the top section is finish with the texture coating we've all read about. You wouldn't have to worry about any more cracks right? Shoot me questions, comments and concerns!
Ugliest 280zx ever. transformer?
Thats funny! I was reading this with my fiancee who owns an 82 280zx 2+2 and we always battle over who's car is cooler.
Ugliest 280zx ever. transformer?
This car is for sale in san francisco if anyone has $6650 and cares to relive a tragic 80's nightmare in car form. It started at $10,000 but has come down quite a bit(no surprise). This could actually be a robot in disguise, buy with extreme caution. craigslist sf PS sorry if the owner of this car is on this forum.
Any advice on Z's?
All this talk about the pt being as great of a car as the 240z is making me a little sick. I think the pt is almost as cool as a yugo, almost.
Trying to convert 240 SU's to a Fairlady Z
Hey Mardman, what color is your car?
which eletric fuel pump?
I recenly purchased an l24 to put into my 72 240z, it has the stock su carbs but the mechanical fuel pump (or where it should be) has been blocked off. I imagine that is so an electric fuel pump could be run insted. My question is what the heck do I do? Do I get one and put it where the mechanical used to be and where and what do I buy? Thanks ps when are we going to play forza 2 on xbox? my live id is xxrejoyxx, look me up !
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
Has any one seen that lighter before or have any information on the background of it?
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
Speaking of ebay check out this lighter I found. I thought it was really cool and I have never seen one before. Its a limited edition 240z zippo lighter only sold in Japan. Fairlady lighter
Aside from Zs, what else takes your money?
electronic stuff guitar stuff (ebay in general) food
The Exhaust Debate
I just added a Flowmaster 40 series muffler to the stock exhaust (haven't dropped the other motor with headers in it yet) and am really happy with the sound and the throttle response. Call me crazy but I swear I feel a difference, as you should I suppose when going from a muffler with literally a 1.25" outlet to a 2.5".
- 240z21
- 240z9
How many of us have young children?
I'm 24, do I qualify?