Everything posted by Dr. 240Z
Triple Weber 40's/L24 Throttle return Spring
I need some help locating a retail supplier of expansion springs suitable for a throttle return application. Any suggestions? Thanks, GF
The official "Post pictures of your wheels" thread
Hi Ron, Can you remember where you bought the Z caps? Thanks, George
Looking for Antenna parts for my 1972 Z
Thanks for directing me to this form, 240dkw...good info for sure
Looking for Antenna parts for my 1972 Z
As is, the OEM antenna on my 71 Z is fully extended and will not retract. The motor sounds normal so I suspect the drive strap has broken. Suggestions regarding how to replace the strap and what to replace it with are most appreciated.
Synthetic Oil Change Interval
I just spoke with a Quaker State 'Fluids Rep' about their synthetic, 'Ultimate Durability', and its use in older engines. Basically, he stated that it does contain ZDDP (800ppm) and that the addition of more ZDDP might be appropiate. That said, he did caution that the addition of excessive amounts of ZDDP can destroy certain types of catalytic converters. I have learned a lot on this topic via your comments - Many Thanks
Synthetic Oil Change Interval
Thanks for your responses...I'm a ltttle confused by distilling them, however...Perhaps, I should return to what I started using in her 41+ years ago: Castrol GTX - changed every 2k miles
Synthetic Oil Change Interval
My Z's engine has been recently rebuilt and after the break in oil was replaced, synthetic oil was chosen. My question: Under average use, how often should I change the synthetic oil? Thanks
Alignment Shops Arghhhh!!!
Thanks, John It's what I should have done in the beginning_if I had only know!! As is, Five (5) goes later (1 in NS, 3 in NB and 1 in Me.) and I think it's as close to your specs as it's going to get. I expect 'Blue' will post them.
Alignment Shops Arghhhh!!!
John, Given the Z's current data that Blue has referenced (and equipped with the techno toy parts as noted), and your reference to the number of hours it takes you to properly align a S30, what would you ask the tech to focus on the most if he/she has only one hour? What if he/she had two hours? Thanks
1972 wiring diagram
This item on ebay might be of help for an answer to your question: Datsun 1972 240Z Factory Service Manual CD-ROM
Looking for Antenna parts for my 1972 Z
One web site that might be worth a look: www.zcarsource.com
71 240Z muffler question.
Sorry I can't answer your question. I'm looking for a new muffler that has a 'deep' sound. You mentioned, Magna Flow. What company makes it and how does it sound? Thanks, Dr. 240Z
Pypes EVT19
Hi, These SS exhaust tips are sold in pairs - I need only one So, if you only need one as well, lets split an order. Dr. 240Z
Pypes evt18
Hi, I would like to find (buy) one Pypes EVT19 exhaust tip. As is, they are sold new from the dealers in pairs and I only need one. Thanks, Dr.240Z