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  1. E, I'm using the new account I set up, I can't do anything with my original because its not verified. Mike and Arne, Thanks....PM on the way.
  2. In November of 2006 I set up my account using the user name "Mally002". All my old posts, threads, etc are related to this user name but ever since I changed my email address about a month ago it will not allow me access. I had to set-up a new ID...."zmally" just to get access to see photo's, post etc. WHY? I have emailed Mike at least 8 times and requested my verification codes at least 30 times but nothing ever comes. Has anyone else had this problem......Mike, Arne, etc......can you fix this? The issue is no verification email ever arrives at my new email address so I can't verify it.....very frustrating....:mad:
  3. Does anyone have a source for the rubber flaps that go on a series 1 in the upper rear vent hatch area. I read a thread that showed how to refresh them, but mine are missing and it would appear its letting in more exhaust fumes so I need them if they are still around. Thanks,

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