E-Brake Cable Replacement (Dorman #C92592)
While on the topic of replacing the parking brake cable, does anyone know where to source replacement hangers for these cables?
Shokuji J-Tin April 20, 2013
Looking forward to this event and meeting everyone.
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
Blue, thanks for the compliment! SF guys, any recommendations to other mechanics in the Bay area? I searched on Google and this is what I came up with... Performance Options, Oakland Z Car Garage, San Jose Dando's Automotive, Fremont Lucky's Speed Shop, Fremont
Retro Car Kings | Discovery Channel Japan's New TV Series
Lots of S30 content... <iframe src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/58849310" width="500" height="281" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe> <p><a href="http://vimeo.com/58849310'>http://vimeo.com/58849310">Discovery Channel: Retro Car Kings</a> from <a href="http://vimeo.com/user8619194'>http://vimeo.com/user8619194">Jesse Stern</a> on <a href="http://vimeo.com">Vimeo</a>.</p>
Jay Leno - New 240z in 2014
http://www.classicandperformancecar.com/features/columnists/288190/jay_leno_february_2013.html Here is a link to an article written by Leno about this episode.
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
Here are some pictures... Pulled into driveway the morning she was unloaded off the trailer. Getting the post purchase inspection and carb tuning done by Joey at Performance Options in Oakland. Fitting the OEM fender mirrors based off schematics found online.
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
mgood, thanks for the link. In doing the math, mine was made about 1300 cars after the 068689 belonging to 74260ZMan. It seems I have a late late 260Z. Pretty cool trivia...
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
I did take cell phone photos when my car was being delivered. I will post those up shortly. Steve, besides the starter interlock system, as you mentioned, most of the other parts are 280Z.
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
Thanks for the welcome SF fellow owners! I'm not really a picture taking type but I'm definitely looking forward to future meets! SteveJ, my VIN #RLS3007XXXX. Can you help decipher what this VIN means? Do I have one of the last few 260's in the US?
1974 260Z from SF Bay Area
Hello from San Fran! Prior to last year, I never seriously considered getting a Japanese nostalgic. The closest I've gotten to owning an older car is my '89 BMW E30 M3 purchased 3 years ago. Since then, I have faithfully tracked down all the rare AC Schnitzer parts for it. The thrill and excitement for me is in the hunt, especially for the really rare stuff. I caught the nostalgic bug hard after checking out the Japanese car meet @ Bayline last summer. In the weeks/months after, I purchased a '74 Celica coupe from Portland. It was all original down to the factory luggage rack on the trunk. I did all the much needed maintenance and got it road worthy. Then my focus turned to getting some cool JDM parts. I chased down a pair of rare vintage TRD bucket seats and TOM'S steering wheel. I even spent an afternoon with Joel from ToySport discussing the different motor swap options, from the F20C to the 18RG. Joel is a purist though, all Toyota parts only! While the 1st gen Celica is a great car, I started looking at other classic J tin. I stumbled across a '74 Datsun 260Z from Denver. Okay I didn't actually stumble on it, I was searching daily on Craigslist and ebay. This particular S30 went through about 80% restoration before the owner just stored it away. Before I knew it, a deal was struck and the car was on its way to SF. Not having enough garage space or time to work on cars, something had to go. I posted the Celica on Craigslist and within a few days it sold. I actually netted a tidy profit from the sale making me feel a bit like Mike from Wheeler Dealers =). With the focus on the S30 Z, the hunt for rare parts began. After SEMA in November, I've been glued to Yahoo Auctions Japan. I now have the Datsun OEM G nose hood hinges, G nose headlight covers with the chrome surrounds, and ZG fender mirrors. I also have 2 sets of vintage HRE wheels, the 501 & 505's. Interesting fact about my 1974 260Z, all the online sources cite that 260Z production stopped in 11/74 for the US models. However, mine is stamped 12/74 and is still considered a '74. Anyway, I thoroughly enjoy reading this forum and will hopefully bump into some of you at various car events.
Northern California Weber (maybe Mikuni) tuning day anyone?
Hello Rob, I would also like to attend the upcoming Weber carb tuning day. I've got a '74 260Z with the L28 swap and Weber triple carbs. Please add me to the list of attendees. Jim