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About Bryson@80z

  • User Group: Member

  • Member ID: 27538

  • Title: Bryson280z

  • Content Count: 8

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  • Achievement Points: 19

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  • Joined: 12/11/2012

  • Been With Us For: 4463 Days

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  • Age: 32




  • Map Location
    Jacksonville, Florida, United States
  • Occupation
    United States Air Force

My Cars

  • About me and my cars
    I own 1 original 1977 280z. It has original interior and i plan to make it the Nissan speedster it was meant to be.

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  1. I decide to drive my 280z over 220 something miles(Panama city to Jacksonville FL). I wrongly assumed my car had oil and was ready to go. After 2 hours on the road, I noticed as i drove up steep roads my speed would go down. Then i notice i couldn't get past 70 going down. Then i was below the minimum speed limit which was 50. Lucky for me it was 9 or 10 at night. Then my car started to shutter. I pulled over and checked the fuel pump...... No leaks. The engine looks good. My first thought was overheating. So i sat on the highway for about 30 minutes. With temps in the 40's that sounded long enough. So i start it up, its normal so i drive and it shutters slightly. 4th gear is slow as dirt so i stick to 3rd. In 3rd gear i top out at 50 up and down hills. Then my car goes nuts it starts to backfire with the slightest pressure on the gas. So i get off the interstate under and quiet overpass. I see that the rear axle is slightly wet. Yet is see no fuel leaks. I look at the front and the oil pan looks like i drove through a puddle. I check the oil, there is none. My car now sounds like a tractor and shakes like Muhammad Ali's parkinson's. So i get it to a hotel parking lot and it can barely move. I put in 4 quarts of fluid but it wont even rev and it backfires. My dad first thought i threw a rod but he now thinks its a head gasket. Around the cover is oil and my oil looks like coca cola all over my block. I'm mechanically incline with aircraft since i work for the United States Air Force but this Japanese straight 6 looks like a nuclear physics equation. Does anyone have suggestions on how to fix this and get it road worthy to drive at least close to normal. This is my first vacation and right now its been ruined by my neglect and ignorance. Someone Please Help!!!!!
  2. I really need a 77 280 z front and rear bumpers with all rubber pieces plz i cant find them anywhere! I like the original look and i want to keep it. Plus its hard to shop around when your in the military I would appreciate it so much.
  3. Thanks there is no black smoke that was the first thing i checked.
  4. My Z is having the same symptoms. My engine is fairly good it only has around 84000 miles on it but today something weird started happening. First gear was good and so was second at 3rd gear my car wouldn't go over 2500 rpm i would literally have my foot down on the gas and it moves like i just downshifted or something and if i keep it on the gas for to long the muffler sputters like as if a cartoon car just broke down. So i drove home at low speed from the base i work to look in my engine. I found pieces of a belt but I'm not sure where it came from. Also my gas just start dropping like a rock in water idk if that's connected to do my problem. Can somebody point me in the right direction cause nobody in panama city knows how to work on my car and i would rather get what i need to fix my car and do it myself. My engine right now is the original L28E. So would it be both of these problems and something else or something different altogether?
  5. My Z is having symptoms. My engine is fairly good it only has around 84000 miles on it but today something weird started happening. First gear was good and so was second at 3rd gear my car wouldn't go over 2500 rpm i would literally have my foot down on the gas and it moves like i just downshifted or something and if i keep it on the gas for to long the muffler sputters like as if a cartoon car just broke down. So i drove home at low speed from the base i work at to look in my engine. I found pieces of a belt but I'm not sure where it came from. Also my gas just start dropping like a rock in water idk if that's connected to do my problem. Can somebody point me in the right direction cause nobody in panama city knows how to work on my car and i would rather get what i need to fix my car and do it myself. My engine right now is the original L28E. Thanks for your help.
  6. My ideas for my 280z to make it a originally awesome... . RB26DETT engine . dual 2 or 3 inch straight pipe . Carbon Fiber 3 piece spoiler that more or less resembles a mustang duck-tail spoiler . Wide body rear panels . JEEP CJ5 CJ7 CJ8 7" UNIVERSAL ROUND HALO LED HEADLIGHTS BLACK HEAD LAMP if its possible . 18 inch Lexani Lust black-machined wheel . Vertical Lambo doors . New interior I'm going with black leather . 110 7200 red paint . carbon fiber tail light panel . and more modifications that i cant think off I plan on putting around 40,000 worth of work into my car. So that way i have a mean looking everyday driver, and a monster drag/racing car! Tell me what you think I'm open to ideas and being told the things i can and can,t do or what will and won,t work before i waste my time.
  7. I am a new car owner plus brand new to Z's. I have a 1977 280z with a restored L28E. i like the engine but its slow for me. I wanted to know if a RB26DeTT swap is A: good for gas mileage B: a more reliable engine C: the best Nissan engine i can put in there. If so are there any details on swapping the motor cause I'm doing it myself. And where can i find one that is in good condition and doesn't look sketchy. I want it to be a brand new engine but i realize that's not possible. Any info would help me Thanks.
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