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Everything posted by bestbalsakits

  1. few more pics form dutch site datsun260.nl There are more, scroll down to bottom for some extra nice camel pace car pics & memorabilia and some big pics of friselles car. Btw, anybody knows the text that surrounds the BBS logo sticker on camel car? Or has bigger pic of the logo? Could use bigger picture of Z-sticker on rear window of the car too... wim
  2. Carl, thx. I now noticed the 240 have reflector in center of tail lights, while 260 has them near edge. Further, i found out that apart from small details in & out, cars have almost identical body. And that, even back then, parts were easily swapped between various versions... So, this make me think, if i start from 1/12 240Z, i can easily disguise as 260z... Cool. Joe Camel can put his shades on & relax, i'll get the pace car done... Wim
  3. aha, i did locate some pics that might not yet made it here... Will hotlink 1 of them, courtesy of www.z-point.nl Worth a visit, focus on the rally Z's... Wim
  4. Hi all, my 1st post here, and it is a question, sorry no pics... But maybe, i'll introduce first: my name is wim, i'm from belgium (europe), love cars & bikes - especially the vintage ones, I have a modeling shop specialized in cars & bikes and lately, i started to produce transformation kits for big scale model cars (1/8, 1/12). In daily life, i drive a 280zx, my sole car. héhé... So, here's my problem: I am trying to figure out the difference between bob sharps 240Z & 260Z, & camel pace car 240Z (if existed-not sure) & 260z. I'll explain: i'm going to modify a 1/12 tamiya datsun 240Z model car into the bob sharp and/or camel pace car. But to make it correct, i need to filter pictures down to 240Z, as that is the base 'ill start from. so, I'm looking for some clear details on outside of car, so i can decide in a blink if it is 240 or 260. Are there any? Been over the pics i found (online only, so nothing new to show here) several times, and still hesitate to decide which is which. Thank you for your input. Wim

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