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240k Style

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About 240k Style

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  • Member ID: 27572

  • Title: ケンメリ

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  • Joined: 12/18/2012

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240k Style last won the day on November 16 2014

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  1. Hi how are you Bud?


    I need the Two RED reflectors on the rear bumper and the inner A Plastic windshield Pillars trims. Mine(the reflectors) got cracked from the trip and the car came without the trims(A Pillars).

    Can You help me on these parts .

  2. Are you on there Red? And did you go to Bay to Birdwood last event??
  3. Coming up well!!!!!!!! Nice interior I need a few done too haha
  4. Happy to help. And I know the owner of that car by the way
  5. Long time no write. The car is finished!!! Heres some photos of how she turned out!!!! If you head on over to this page you can see more of what happened and how! https://www.facebook.com/WestsideKRacing?ref=hl
  6. Looking fantastic mate! They are flying through. Can't wait to see it done!! I love the choice of ferrari red as that was what i wanted to do with my other coupe project I sold. I can't cut up the race car tho so no GTR there, and my sedan would look horrible with the GTR treatment!!!! As to the low VIN it would be an early 73 car. Not the lowest I know of though, but a nice early under 1000 car !! Got to be happy with that. There is a coupe to be restored in Melbourne in the low 00500's, and in the US another coupe exported from Australia is a 00280 region VIN. My race car is sub 00430 FYI
  7. Ok i managed to source a Weber 48 IDA for the car. I need to still pick up the original race manifold from a guy a know, becuase that has the adaptor plate for it. If you see the earlier photos in the thread, the original manifold is the top "T" piece manifold, not the long runner GT style one. I want to modify the long runner style one for better flow into the intakes. It's an ITALIAN one too, so I'm stoked! Much better than the spanish equvilant. The build quality is much superior with finer tolerences. And as a bonus it came off a big port 13B rotary race motor. I'll need to check the jets/emulsion tubes/venturi/choke specs etc etc but it's already modified with the return spring on the throttle arm. I'll have a look at it for wear before deciding if I'll refurbish them myself (with some hydro blasting) or send to a great carb shop i know. Some refurbished 48 IDA's (a pair can reach $2500 AUD!!!!! :shock: ) But this was the last major peice of the puzzle to return the car back to period specifications. All the other bits I'll need I can "borrow" from my other blue 240K sedan. The cruiser gets some go fast bits and the race car gets factory, period specific "modified" parts for it. I recently caught up with some mates while checking out how the bodywork is coming on. Thats all for now
  8. Will need it for that!!!! Nervous for when I get up there
  9. Work has started!!!!! Trial fit of the repair section. Will now be cut out and repair welded in. Starting to happen quickly now 8)
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