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240k Style

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Everything posted by 240k Style

  1. Quit it with the rats. I was bloody paranoid looking through the c210 today because of you guys !!!
  2. Glad to see another stayed in country! Looking forward to seeing your plans and progress!
  3. Here's a vid I took today Datsun 240k C210 - YouTube Sorry for the quality. It's an iPhone video
  4. Just scored some goodies to go with the new purchase Datsun 240K Parts LOT C210 | eBay
  5. Cleaner than that BMW Mastadd240k put up
  6. I'm going to visit the lovely lady on Monday to look the car over and take more piccies. I'm not going to pick it up until next month though as she still has need of it. I'm just going to do a bit of work for her on the car and help out around the place cause im a top bloke. When i get it home and get the gurney on it i'll start a proper thread and put up the mandatory photos. I think with a serious polish the paint might come up a treat. So more to come then...hold your horses all until then, and that means you Mastadd240K!!
  7. Ok here goes....here is a teaser of the interior. If this works, you can see its complete! almost perfect Fingers crossed it works...
  8. Ok. I am purchasing the car. Happy days for me now I get a toy to play with. But in order to share it here i need to know the best way to post photos I have no idea and last time I tried it just puts up the link, not the photo. Any ideas about how i should go about this...
  9. Couldnt get any better. I know someone who may get alot of business out of your car Laggy!!! Just perfect!
  10. Thanks mate. Huge help. Was hoping you would see this
  11. G'day all, Just been offered a 78-79 C210 4dr (1 owner) at a price I simply can't refuse.... Does anyone know what the Japanese search strings are for the C210 for yahoo Japan ?? Need things like tail lights, fender mirrors, c210 flares etc etc Any help would be greatly appreciated. It's still not a C110 but that can always be a future car. When I pick it up photos etc will follow. Should make a quick road/track car still...L24 power!!
  12. These axles are made to fit the Subaru diff splines using the original datsun half shafts!!!!
  13. Neither can I. I think it's so much better than folding the inner guards
  14. Friggin hell....I swear if the car....... Yeah......lets just say it better not come with a rats nest
  15. Agreed, only then may you buy another.
  16. From this ... Welcome to Flickr! To this... Datsuns and Friends: The Not-So-Popular Skylines C210/C211 77-81 Some great C210's in this blog
  17. I like them. I've got dibs on a 4 door c210 near me one owner. You can still make them look tough as with flares etc and the running gear is similar IMO the only difference is its more boxy looking
  18. +1 for JMT240KGTR's comment. Having half a car is better than none at all
  19. It's baaaaaaaaacccckkkkk.... Look at this on eBay: datsun 240k couple skyline c110 - Project Car - Drag Car - Nissan http://bit.ly/15oDoOM
  20. Perhaps a new shell? At least if you find one you'll have heaps of spares
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