What's in YOUR garage?
some awesome cars folks, sadly no Z at present for me, but these are what I currently have... 98 Primera 98 Pulsar VZR N1 96 R33 GTR G
Newbie from London.
why not, it'd be just the thing for someone to use as a gimmick or catchy thing to get people to come to their pub...
Newbie from London.
wouldn't say they all have their names from similar circumstances, there are a lot of various reasons, pubs have the names they have, from the real basic, where in early times many people couldn't read so going by some pictorial images to name their pubs, to the names being somehow related to the person who first started the pub, to the royalty, knights etc of the area... have a look here Where Pubs got their names from
Newbie from London.
if you haven't seen em already, they are Here
Newbie from London.
Am in west london, stones throw away from Heathrow :classic:
Newbie from London.
cheers for the welcome mate, yeah noticed a lot more activity on here, spending more of my time reading on here so far, rather than posting much..
East African Classic Rally 2005 revisited. Rob Collinge at his best.
glad you liked the vids guys, I still enjoy watching them over and over again even after being there, and seeing them so many times since. still amazing to see how these cars in the right hands still dominate the safari
East African Classic Rally 2005 revisited. Rob Collinge at his best.
thanks. not only him, having to follow the cars and get to good viewing spots we had to go on the same roads before the cars got there, so we were all like we'd been working on Jackhammers all day
East African Classic Rally 2005 revisited. Rob Collinge at his best.
this one is of the rest of the Zs in action at this same Rally.
East African Classic Rally 2005 revisited. Rob Collinge at his best.
came across this site when searching for some information about Z's and rallying. noticed a lot of pictures but not much action. me and a couple of friends went to watch this rally and the 09 one, with me videoing for most of the time. start of with the main man Rob in his 260z, driving a Z in that rally how they should be just sit back, crank up the volume and enjoy this one. hope you like it. G
Newbie from London.
Hi guys, New guy from London UK. Was born and brought up in East Africa, where watching the Safari Rallys, got me hooked on Datsuns, and the Z's. Unfortunately don't own one myself but is something I plan to get one day. Other family members have, and have owned 260zs, and also have a lot of other Datsun models, that keeps me going for the time being. Got some nice videos I took at previous safari rallys, will post them up in the appropriate section. G