Everything posted by bartsscooterservice
vin 181
Prob more rust, if you have it dipped or soda blasted... you can see what's really left of it :O Yeah to bad the engine is not there..
vin 181
https://www.ebay.com/itm/1970-Datsun-Z-Series-240-Z/292640240059?hash=item4422b7b1bb:g:xc8AAOSwI-dbSRKf&vxp=mtr or search Ebay: datsun 240z , the z cars, the black one 11/69 factory stamp
vapor locking on 73 with 71 carbs PERCOLATION!
No, only in summer. But I have a US spec 240Z.. I think it has more to to with the state of the parts/ethanol free fuel though
vapor locking on 73 with 71 carbs PERCOLATION!
Yes, seeing those pictures, the state those parts are in ( if that is yours or just an example pic ?! ). Make sure everything is in good condition first. Like 87mj says about the fuel lines make sure the fight tight, and the hoses are black and new, ethanol free fuel helps to. I work with carbs all the time for my work ( bike carbs, but the act the same as SU's.. ), the problems ethanol gas ( although it's still only max 10% here ) can give are huge. Everything in the fuel system from tank to carb, needs to be clean, free flowing, and air tight, or else you will have problems. Do you have the spacer ( isolator ) between the fuel pump ? Mine was missing to with the previous owner, I just noticed it when rebuilding the engine.
vapor locking on 73 with 71 carbs PERCOLATION!
Even with 100 degrees, it shouldn't happen. I think this has more to do with a ( proper tune/some parts not functioning correctly/quality of the gasoline ), then so called vapor lock. I've driven my z in 40+ C days ( 105 F ), without any issues. I do only use ethanol free fuel... Vapor Lock is air in the system, there's an underlying problem you need to find.
My Datsun 240Z
japan classic sunday 2018
Rebuilt Steering Rack from California Datsun
Yes, if you know what your doing, it's not that hard actually. I did mine to like you can see above.
70 vin 10732
https://www.ebay.com/itm/1971-Datsun-Z-Series/222995305621?hash=item33eb8e5495:g:usAAAOSwLs9bC3L0&vxp=mtr It's a 70 for sure, seems in a good condition for restoration
Cowl Hood Weatherstripping
doesn't look like the right seal to me
Rebuilt Steering Rack from California Datsun
Ebay has used ones for around 270 and rebuild for 500
Rebuilt Steering Rack from California Datsun
I have one if you like, rebuild with new bearings, clamps, rubber hoses etc according to fsm, but shipping will be $
My Datsun 240Z
Finally saw time monday to clay and wax the Z... Looking good, might need some more claying next month or so, there's still some dirt trapped in the paint, wasn't expecting that for 2 year old paint Also got the 351 back in the Stang..
My Datsun 240Z
Thanks Chas Lot's of work that Mustang.. engine build isn't so easy as the Datsun... You gonna be @ JCS 2018 ? I think I will be there with the Datsun if they weather is nice.
My Datsun 240Z
Well time has moved fast, didn't have much time on my hands for the projects in between work, but got some things done. I hope the Mustang will make it's way back on the road this summer. I picked up the Cleveland engine 6 weeks ago, so far it's almost back together. I hope to put it in the car in the next 4 weeks. Had to get hardened push rods + taller valve covers because of the roller rockers, so that took a while to get here from the states. Not sure what the horespower numbers will be ( have to dyno it to know ), but somewhere between 500/600 at the crank. Also ordered an Autometer RPM gauge, looks cool as ****, and functional to The datto also got out of storage since last month. The brakes got stuck from sitting 6/7 months, but took care of that, also replaced breaker points. Also replaced the glass fuses ( FL headlight beam was bad, came out the be a fuse ) in the fuse box while @ it, heck they could be 30 years old. Waiting for better weather then will give it a new coat of wax and polish the crome again.
Where to go with this rusthole
Just wanted to check the forum in a while, and the first topic that comes up is rust repair haha... datsun Like JDM says I believe these are the fresh air channels ( you know that lever you pull inside to get cold air to your legs.. ) Pretty easy to see why they rust... ( air + moisture ).
First drive in the z in 25 years.....impressions.
First drive in the z in 25 years.....impressions.
This fume thing really seems a problem with the early z's, not sure if there are complains from 280Z owners ? I've replaced everything in mine and sometimes I still smell it.. with the windows closed no smell, but when windows down in the summer there's a light smell ( not Always ). It could come from anywhere I gave up searching, just accept the smell it's not that bad.
Series I cars
I came across that problem last time when one of my cylinders was stuck from sitting in the winter and was leaking fluid. I managed to get only a new cup seal ( few dollars ) and rebuild the unit, or else it would cost me that 200 + USD.. Thank god on these old cars everything is almost repairable, instead of the new cars where you just throw it away and buy a new one....$$$
My Datsun 240Z
Time for a little update.... First I got another cockatoo, the old one ( yuki ) got a little agressive and attacked me this one is really friendly his name is Buddy, he's a Galah... Second the Datsun.. it's currently in winter storage since last 2 weeks. I will start it occasionally, didn't have much time to drive it this summer...not much nice days ! I hope to drive it more next summer, and bring it to some classic car events... Lot's of polishing/cleaning work needs to be done on the car in spring ! Third: The Mustang I am still waiting for the engine to come back from the engine shop, had some problems with parts I had to send back to the US. I hope to get the engine and tranny in around Christmas.. or Januari. I allready re-painted the engine bay, and put an entire new steering assembly ( rebuild unit from the US ).
Series I cars
Changes occured throughout the production of the 240Z so you really can't call it series 1,2, or 3 etc... Mine is from a " transition period " it has many series 1 features, but also what guys call here a series 2 Z emblem on the side pillar instead of the 240z badge.
My Datsun 280Z "Rustoration"
Like Mart says.. never the floors and if it's rusty wit the normal jack ( see picture ) it will FAIL
Deja Vu: 1971 Restoration
Very nice work, lots of details... It's Always a pity it's going to fade away anyhow, when used outside on the road, or else you have to put it in a museum or only drive on dry sunny days But you can keep it nice for a long while, old fashioned elbow grease.
E31 Head and Steering rack for sale
Upping this. Parts still here. They don't have to go, but if anyone is interested.
E31 Head and Steering rack for sale
The head is back. So any interest PM me !
Shell V Power Nitro+
There's quite some videos on youtube on doing that, but untill there's a proper way, i'll stick with the expensive non ethanol gasoline..