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Everything posted by bartsscooterservice

  1. I sold the 71 Mustang Mach 1 project to a guy in Germany. I will be buying another Mustang soon. Currently looking at a 1970 Fastback F code. After comparing them, I do like the 70 look more, it's not that big as the 71.
  2. Me to. That's why I bought a Mustang and kept the Z... Z
  3. I use the classic line from Kroon, it's a Dutch brand. Specifications say: Classic Gear EP 90 minerale ( mineral ) SAE 90 transmissieolie ProductspecificatiesAPI GL-4 Mil-L-2105 MB 235.1
  4. You'd be amazed what I see on a daily basis in my work.. ..other garages doing things only half or worse.
  5. 180 degrees out yes. Better drop the oil pump and distributor driving spindle, and do it right before you fire it up. Put no1 piston at TDC of compression stroke first. Then install.
  6. Yes they tell something about Rob Janssen who advised some modifications to Nissan about the 240Z, who was a Datsun dealer at the time.
  7. Ja ik snap het ook niet even over de koppeling.. English: If you wan't anything translated out of this article let me know ?
  8. This reminds me of my first Z.. Why didn't you go for a better shell/other 240Z, is it because you wan't a european one ? Anyhow looks good ! Very nice work..
  9. I don't know exactly either Chas... What I can find on the service manual is that the 4 speed ratio is 3.900 and the 5 speed 3.364
  10. Uhm in Dutch it says Z types.. maybe Google translated it wrong.
  11. Or you could find an original 5 speed gearbox for the 240Z but those seem rare Didn't t the later 280Z and ZX have 5 speeds allready ?
  12. I wouldn't run ethanol crap on a classic car.
  13. I mailed a Dutch newspaper, and they seemed to have picked it up cool.. http://www.telegraaf.nl/autovisie/autovisie_nieuws/nissan/23719356/__Datsun_240Z-bedenker_overleden__.html
  14. Yeah I also use the stuff of Meguiars, or sometimes Chemical Guys, they have a product for every need.
  15. A little video a friend made on the highway today. I can't go much faster than 100/110 mph ( 160 ) because of the US 4 speed gearbox. Modern traffic is doing about 80 to 90 mph ( 140 ) on average. But that's okay it's a classic. View My Video
  16. He did what he loved to do, I think that's the most important thing in life .. I'm sure he's driving a 240Z in heaven now..
  17. Haha ok I used a plastic 180 degree that could resist fuel ( don't know the english name, pvc ? ), because of weight. Raise the tank half way and connect all the vent lines first to the tank, then you can move on to the filler neck and raise the tank accordingly. Make sure no vent lines are jamming when you work it up.
  18. It's Dutch. But in the text it says Goertz took the then 6 year old Ferrari 250 GTO as an example for the 240Z design ? ( Many here say Goertz hasn't much or anything to do with the 240Z design, but anyhow just posting what they are saying here ) screen shot pc imagehosting windows 7 screenshot image url upload photo hosting
  19. To bad then..
  20. It's a pain yup. Need to do it with 2 people imo easier install. 1 has to go under the tank ( lay on his back ) and raise it accordingly ( jackstand is not so handy, only to support if half way ) while the other one connects everything. Connect the vent hoses first, then the filler neck. The filler neck is the hardest part to go on, like suggested if it's to tight, heat it up a little or use a little bit of soap on the inside for install. ( remove the little plate on the right rear wheel housing to get better acces to the filler neck ). The fuel sender cables and the fuel lines to the front can go on when it's all installed.
  21. Ow yeah I forgot ::
  22. Wish it was the same price overhere...
  23. Kats, $ 150.000 and then stil need to restore them.. that crazy money. Then the one in the auction must bring at least above $ 250.000 With that high prices for a 432 you wonder why the prices of the regular most kept original 240Z's haven't gone up much yet..

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