Everything posted by bartsscooterservice
Hls30 00424
Sad thing it has a V8 transplant and many mods.. but can be made back to Original it's a low vin ? http://www.ebay.com/itm/Datsun-Z-Series-240z-1970-240-z-fully-restored-roller-rocker-small-block-chevy-b-m-ratchett-shifter-/301527575346?forcerrptr=true&hash=item463471ab32&item=301527575346&pt=US_Cars_Trucks
240Z Makes Buy-'em-Now List
Was expecting it a bit.. but that's good news. At the moment rich people are buying classic cars as a way of investment.
Series 1 Owners Manual Dated 1970
For you that wan't an Original, I just found one http://www.ebay.com/itm/1970-TO-71-DATSUN-240Z-SERIES-ONE-OWNERS-MANUAL-DEALER-BOOK-RARE-/231471811800?pt=Motors_Car_Truck_Parts_Accessories&hash=item35e4cb8cd8&vxp=mtr
My Datsun 240Z
Yeah . I will see what to do. I have had it for sale a while now, lot's of interest, but folks don't seem to bite. I have a shop for the metal/paint work who also did the 240Z, so if it will not sell I will get the car to him to do all the metal work. Me first option would still be sell it and get a better one, but then again better ones, seem to cost 20k also.. for 6 k I can get all the metal work and new paint done to the car.. The car cost me 5k now as it sits, so that would be around 11 k to get it 60% done. By the way the 240Z past regular inspection, another 2 years on the road
Annoying/frustrating No Start Condition
Spark can still be weak. But it sounds like a fuel problem. If the fuel pressure on the rail is okay, you could check the injectors.
'72 240Z Rebuild
bumped the topic up nothing to do with the pistons. Usually piston rings have a few letters on them, the letters always point to the top ( head )
My Datsun 280Z "Rustoration"
Yes that looks like regular air hose. Not suitable for heat and oil.
Second Owner Of A '71 240Z
Hey Mark, Cool story, that's a very nice and original 240Z you got there ! Have fun with it ! Gr Bart
Ferrari 250 replica based on a 260Z wants $ 100,000
I came across this today, think it's one of the best replica's out there. http://autovisie.nl/ferrari-250-gto-replica-gebouwd-kippenschuur/ http://www.telegraaf.nl/autovisie/autovisie_nieuws/ferrari/23645065/__Replica_Ferrari_250_GTO_gebouwd_tussen_de_kippen__.html http://rodtempero.com/ ( website )
240Z Z Registries (Where To Find) And Post Your Vin As Title
Car No: HLS30 32581 Engine No: L24 041516 Original color was 901 Silver ( now it's Subaru blue ). Interior color: black Current last owner location: Gendt, The Netherlands. ( picture and history, including first owner can be found in my topic Blue ). Here: http://www.classiczcars.com/topic/45423-my-datsun-240z/page-16
Leather Dash Cover Installation
Yes 50 k is for injection molding, didn't know the right word in English. Is there any information on how Nissan made these dashes ?
My Datsun 240Z
Hi Chas, I'm selling the Mach 1 again, and will buy a better Mach 1 later on. This one is to much work after I did some research on the cost first, last weekend. Also found way more rust under those fenders.. I thought Datsun's would rust but damn.. I also had contact with several Mustang restoration shops, also in in Belgium, and they advised not to restore it, it would simply cost to much for what the car is worth. I would need to invest 20k, while it's worth that to. Here's his story: Beste Bart, Daar moet ik je toch in teleurstellen. We kunnen al deze delen leveren maar als ik de foto’s zo zie en de motor dan is het absoluut niet waard om dat te doen. ik heb een spikssplinter nieuwe mach 1 van 1972 met 54000 originele mijlen in super originele staat voor 38000 euro. Daar en boven is het ok nog een 351 motor en automaat. Nieuw van binnen , buiten , in koffer en onder de motor kap. Uw mustang is een basis vijfliter mach 1 en de absolute top van die wagen is maar 25000-30000 euro; Je krijgt binnen die budgetten uw auto niet klaar. als je een mooie wilt natuurlijk. Sorry maar hier heb je een beetje een miskoop gedaan. Maar als je zegt van het i sok en ik wil de wagen toch maken, dan moet je de wagen minstens tien jaar houden en de meer kost over die maanden en dat is dan hobby geld. Groetjes en succes en leveren van de delen is geen probleem Adelbert Sadly I'm missing like 50% of the " interior and inside/outside detail " parts of the car.. Gr Bart
My Datsun 240Z
Gave it new engine oil, and changed the fram filter for a genuine nissan blue one ( much better ). Although not many miles, it was 2 years ago since the last oil change.
$2.45 A Gallon In Alabama
1.42 a litre here in the village at the moment, still a ripp of
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
Doesn't matter if they are ugly ( although a nice weld looks better ), the most important thing is that it's welded through for a good attachment.
Z Myths Busted
Okay.. i'll start: " If your Z doesn't whine it's not a Z "
Hardway's 1971 240z #8011 - Build and Repair Thread
Nice work ! I had the whine to but in the diff, ended up replacing it, because nobody cared to every check the oil level ( bearings and gear was damaged ). It's quiet ever since. I guess it's not supposed to whine, like some people say if your Z doesn't whine it's not a Z, well that's not true
Best Way To Clean Older Glass?
soak a towel with WD40, and let it penetrate the stuff on the glass, after a while you can get it off easily
Leather Dash Cover Installation
Well I asked my friend said if use aluminium mold ( lower production numbers than steel one ) the costs ( tooling, making mold etc ) to the point where you actually can start making them would be around 50k euro. Actual price of dash about 90 to 100 euro per piece. But if could actually find the Original mold which Nissan used to make those dashes back in the day, costs would be much much cheaper because don't need to re-design.
Leather Dash Cover Installation
It looks good, and it's a good option to make the dash look nice. But it doesn't come close to the original dash look. If you want to do a restoration I personally wouldn't do this. But if that's not that important, this is a great option. I have a friend who works in the plastic industry, where they make dashboards for trucks and cars. Making an exact replica of the original dash isn't expensive, the problem is you will need the mold to be created ( they could actually scan an original dash dimensions ), that could costs thousands, but after that producing an exact one like the ones left the factory would be easy, and every club member or anyone restoring a datsun 240z could buy one. http://img.weiku.com/waterpicture/2011/10/28/4/Plastic_Injection_Auto_Dashboard_Molding_634572337907634575_1.jpg
My Datsun 240Z
Offcourse the new headliner had to go in, after the sunroof was removed. I found someone local, who works on car interiors. The price was a bargain, for which I couldn't do it myself, and if I would, I'm sure I would screw it up, I can do alot, but certain things like interior and paint I will leave it to the specialists.
My Datsun 240Z
Hi Chas, Thanks, yeah I feel the paint came out great. It's such much better without that stupid sunroof ! The Chrome work should last, it was just they did a poor preperation job ( I asked other companies on their opinion based on the pictures of their result ). I'm curious if they get it right this time. I didn't want to go for the harrington ones because I would like to keep it stock.. The Mach 1 has arrived, first I will get everything out of the car, engine out ( will be a crate engine anyhow ), and make a '' to do '' list.. Bart
My Datsun 240Z
So far now it's finished, only waiting for the bumpers to come back. I was told from the chroming shop that it would be about 4 weeks. The 71 Mustang has also arrived in port, and going to pick it up monday, so I will have plenty to do when the weather cleares up haha
Building A L24 Engine. Ideas Welcome
If you wanna make around 175/200 hp on the L24. I would use stock internal parts on the engine and nothing else, maybe a stage 1 cam and head ( flow ) work would be recommended. Also triple carbs would increase hp output.
"nature-Friendly" Fuel
On carburetors I would use nothing else than ethanol free gasoline ( pure gasoline ), or a max of 5% ethanol.