Everything posted by bartsscooterservice
My Datsun 240Z
I'll have to see, the person responsible for sending the parts isn't very fast The diff from LeonV isn't even picked up yet, that should have been done previous week on a monday... Hope everything works out.. or the next time I'm going back to air shipment !
My Datsun 240Z
Update today: currently will be waiting for the parts to arrive from Charles and Leon ( thanks ! ) , can take a few weeks more...
S30 safety
at least you die in style
Hello from Argentina!
Hello Franco, Welcome to the club That's a real 80's car ! Gr Bart
My Datsun 240Z
I tried what Carl said, cut in half, but still won't come off, I tried everything.. torches... hammers...pullers.. grinders.. f_cking thing is welded to the damn axle ! Charles I send you PM .. if you can send it to there would be nice ! I will pay you for the costs don't worry. @ Carl: allready pulled everything from under the car... so it's easier to replace with a good axle now..
My Datsun 240Z
I sent you pm, a friend can help, he ships from San Francisco.. @ LeonV: also pm'ed you about the diff !
My Datsun 240Z
Driver side front ( left ) as you can see on the pic. standard shipping I guess? I'll send you a pm
My Datsun 240Z
nope, haven't found one yet, can you help?
Datsun Z cars in the movies
- My Datsun 240Z
One side done, torqued the wheel bearings down the factory specs according to the FSM. Will torque all the bolts from the suspension down when the car is under load on the ground, now they are just hand tight. The other side I can't finish, because the outer wheel bearing is molted to the damn axle ! I need to get a new axle first The horror:- 240z rebuild / restoration right down to the shell
Looks awesome ! By the way you gotta look at the door alignment though, the driver's side looks s bit out.- Suspension black paint
I'm doing mine now to while rebuilding the suspension parts with new bushings etc.. looks about the same as hardway above, I just use motip high gloss black, and cleaned the parts with a wire brush- Video: 2500 rpm + popping and bogging
prob to much fuel..- Slammed 260z from Holland
Not my cup of tea either, but it's something different he is doing. I have to note on the stretched tire, that this is actually dangerous. Since the tire's wall is stretched outside it's dimensions, and this causes a weakness into the tire.- Engine will only run above 4000 RPM. Carbs or timing?
If the distributor is one tooth of, it should still idle and run.. or was it not assembled properly ?- 432R is beautiful; but
- Video: 2500 rpm + popping and bogging
Ignition issue- My Datsun 240Z
Okay, so today I got some more things done again. Currently only thing I'm waiting for is the T/C rods. I got the old steering rack rubbers replaced with polythurane ones, from the kit from Prothane ( Z-partshouse ). I got the new waterpump in, new v-belt, and also did a rebuild on the alternator and gave it some new bearings ( the old ones where noisy ), cleaned everything up etc.. New washer tank with new motor from Mitsuba, new oil filled coil from Hitachi, etc. Hope to get it back on it's wheels coming 2 weeks.- Homeboyx's 280z Thread
349 dollar ! The original mounting holes are still there, so he'd better weld the extra holes shut, or just keep it that way. I don't think he's on a mega budget.- Anybody has a good or rebuild differential for sale?
My main focus is keeping it original. But thanks.- Anybody has a good or rebuild differential for sale?
Yup ! And they wonder why the economy is ****ed!- Engine will only run above 4000 RPM. Carbs or timing?
Hope you get it running now.- Homeboyx's 280z Thread
Well you can still use it, but it would be nice if there was just 3 holes left maybe you can hire some welder or a friend who can help you?- Anybody has a good or rebuild differential for sale?
pm sent !- Homeboyx's 280z Thread
Nice ! Now you can also clean, inspect all the parts from your first one, and swap to the new body. WTF happened on the last pic ? The original holes are still there.. weld the other ones shut and smooth out, or weld in a part from your old car. - My Datsun 240Z
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