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Everything posted by bartsscooterservice

  1. Thanks guys, I did find the classic datsun paint from less on ebay to for 29 dollars something, but the shipping costs are the price of 3 cans ..:sick: Would it work if I take a picture of the right color on the engine block to a paint shop and let them decide as close to possible? Just found this on Zcar? The Number is Pontiac Blue DE1610.
  2. Anybody knows the colorcode of the paint? I tried Nissan Netherlands, but they won't help
  3. So true... the last post in that topic is so right...
  4. Yeah and they wonder why the economy is crashing... :tapemouth ..because everybody wants more and more piece of the cake
  5. Uhm the dovetails from the UK costs me more than from the US due to taxes.and extra charge they put .
  6. Problem solved, I installed 260z ones. I got 240z ones and 280z ones aswell on the way, but will keep as reserve..
  7. Nice progress so far . Here in NL we take the car to an alignment shop, they will do the work with computer alignment equipment, it's far easier. Maybe that's an option for you? Found this to, if you want to do yourself:
  8. You learn something everyday, thanks. Well at least I got the stock wheels then, I think polished they look great
  9. I just realised I have the same wheels on my Z. Are these stock? Nice example by the way, interior looks very good.
  10. Nice that Jay Leno actually appriciates them, Jereme Clarkson from TopGear just had thing to whine about..
  11. Yeah I know what you mean... By chance, yesterday I found somebody in NL who has 260z dovetails... :paranoid: Mmm anyhow now I will have a few extra, if the other ones break.
  12. Edit: /
  13. Sucks! I'm not very good in English, but before installing the tie rod end ( wheel side ) and putting the crown nut on, it's best to make sure the inside of the parts ( where the wheeld side tie rod joint goes in ) is clean, and warm it up with a gas torch, and keep the tie rod part cold, then you put it in without hassle, let it cool down, and then put the crown nut on ( make sure the thread is smooth before putting it on ). I wrecked alot of these in the past, by doing it the wrong way. Heat is your best friend in these jobs
  14. I got a reply back from geoff from fourways engineering and they got a pair , thanks
  15. Nice repair so far ! What's your plans on this? Just repair and repaint and drive the beast? I do like the yellow paint ! Fits nice with California weather..
  16. E36 m3 if you can get one ( hard I think in US ? ), it's a weapon of torque :pirate: , and at leat in europe capable of 300 km/h... 325i's are nice to..
  17. Hello Mike, Why don'y you try China ( or India ) ?, they are very good in copying parts and cheap labour costs. gr bart
  18. Hello Mike, Why don'y you try China ( or India ) ?, they are very good in copying parts and cheap labour costs. gr bart
  19. Good luck on this ! Been there done that.. :tapemouth Personally I would just bring the shell to a sandblast company or use a mobile blaster, to get it really clean and ready for cutting and welding in new sections. I would not think myself of doing all this labour pain ever again on hand cleaning the shell :sick: Hey, but anyhow, this looks amazing allready!, keep us updated on your project :classic:
  20. Yeah that first one, was a total rust bucket, but also a good learner on old Z's... Most parts went okay, I just messed up the floors by cutting it to fast, without looking how it was original, but it could have been okay if it where to be a Hybrid? Anyhow if I had finished to body, alle the other parts where still a drama, so in that time I figured to go for another Z in the future instead. But they are very rare here in the Netherlands, let alone Europe. So it was a nightmare finding a good one, till one day I traced down Joop Stolze by some add. I was like " wow " this place is amazing... like a secret barn find...
  21. Hello Robert, Isn't it nice to learn some history ? Yeah, it's indeed now on the other side of the atlantic.. It seems Joop Stolze bought the car, and according to your post, it stood there for about 11 months, then I bought it. So lucky, not standing still that long.. I looked at the paperwork, the last owner I can find: Alan VanGundy 35754 Nome CT De Soto, IA 50069 ( Date on repair bill says 05/24/2010 ) He also seems to have an old adress(es) ?: VanGundy, Alan Foster 250 NE Dartmoor Ln 17 Waukee, IA 50263 Alan VanGundy 227 Summertree Ln Lawrence KS 66049 What I also found in the paperwork: Steven Campbell 446 Michigan Law, KS 66044 ( date repair bill 4/24/1987, and also a loan check for financing the car I think from 1/3/1987 ) First owner? : Hertel R E JR 5244 Foxridge dr Shawnee Missionks 66202 ( Date 07/27/1971 ) If you can help that would be very nice Bart
  22. allright... I hooked PayPal to my debit account, it works. Take allite longer than credit card, but heck I don't use that..
  23. bartsscooterservice commented on take432r's comment on a gallery image in Big Z Photo Collection
  24. Okay thanks guys, I will give it a try. @ Eurodat & SteveJ, I seems PayPal it the best option indeed, normally I'm not a big fan of these payment options, but I'l make an account. I order alot with the Chinese but they have no problem with international bank transfer, but Americans don't seem to like this method.

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