Everything posted by bartsscooterservice
My Datsun 240Z
A little update from our '' beloved '' goverment . The tax free rule for classic cars was 25 years or older, now they upped that to 40 years. So I'm Lucky. That means anything above 73 will have to pay tax Akkoord over wegenbelasting voor oldtimers - Binnenland | Het laatste nieuws uit Nederland leest u op Telegraaf.nl [binnenland]
My Datsun 240Z
I know about the heat range from plugs since I use it for my work also ( scooters ), and I would also think a 5 or 6 would burn cleaner, since it will get hotter. But somehow the 7's color nice, and the hotter ones fool. I do know it's running rich, since I see black fumes when flooring the pedal when car is on the driveway when engine is hot. I think the needles must have been changed somewhere along the way like you suggested for richer ones. My main concern now is getting the vibrations out of the car
Is this a record price for a 77?
that's alot of money for a 77 ?
My Datsun 240Z
Could very well be.. I noticed alot of room around the nozzle when the needle was in closed position, and especially @ WOT.
My Datsun 240Z
Hey Alan, Thanks for your feedback. The choke problem is solved,( the carbs needed cleaning badly ! ) but when I was working on the carbs I did notice about the needles, I think they where changed for richer ones, as I noticed alot of room around the nozzle. The basic plugs seem to hold fine now, it's just drinking some more fuel hehe. The tires...it could be aswell something else What I notice is that around 30 mph, the whole car wobbles, like your on a bumpy road..maybe that's the best way to describe it. " a wiggle through the car " It goes through the whole car, but the steering wheel is steady, the steering wheel starts to shake above 60 mph ( which is horror on the motorway ). I checked engine mounts but they seem okay. I will try check more parts, like the driveshaft for play when I have some time. @ Blue: yeah, it clearly running rich. What I find odd however, is that the heat range 7 plugs color nicely... and the 6 plugs turn all black and fail to ignite.
My Datsun 240Z
Okay, I got a few things to do. First of all my steering wheel is vibrating above 60 mph, and I got a wobble throughout the car at 30 mph. The tires are pretty old from 2002, and they show a slight height difference on the surface when rotating on the balancing machine ( I don't know if this can cause a wobble ? ). Tires are good, but maybe I do need to put new ones? I got the car on the bridge, and noticed a play ( only noticable when I put pressure left to right on the wheel with both hands ) in the front right wheel ( passenger side ). Best thing I can examine is that the inner wheel bearing is shot. The outher conical wheel bearing where loose on both sides, but still okay. I torqued them tight again, and that did seem to solve quite a bit vibration through the steering wheel, but still there. I'm also noticing slight play ( when I pull hard up and down with my hand ), on the tie rods. So I'll try to order a front wheel bearing kit and maybe tie rods to? What do you guys think? Can the old tires also cause problems, excessive stress to the steering column?
Engine will only run above 4000 RPM. Carbs or timing?
back firing through carb, can be running to rich or to lean ignition timing off leaking valves ( but not assuming that )
The Project 370z Challenge results are in
why didn't they go with a tuned l series engine? dropping and rb in there ruins it for me...
Coolant Leak In Odd Place
That's where the interior heater hoses connect, it must be leaking somewhere around there, that's above the starter motor
My two swiss S30Z Fairlady Restoration build thread
I hope you keep the motivation for the bodywork ! Once that's done, you can start rebuilding, and the fun begins Good luck ! Keep us updated.
Homeboyx's 280z Thread
now you know why you got it for peanuts... Anyhow I don't know how to explain in English, but measure the body first if it's straight, then work your way down from there
2/71 blue in california, really looks good
Datsun : Z-Series 2 dr coupe in Datsun | eBay Motors
Rebuilding my 71'
I admire your guys hard work to these projects ! I've done something similiar in the past with an all crispy 73, but it didn't saw the light at the end of the tunnel, in the end I thought I could just as well look for a more solid base structure to begin with. Hope you guys get it finished before the summer starts Keep going.
Heater Issues, Coolant Leak, and a charging issue? Please help, rally coming up!
Mine was leaking to, but it was the core, and my dad soldered it. But if the valve is leaking, look for another one on a yunkjard maybe? Don't know if there are any around with Z's in your area. My valve was stuck to, but sprayed it with wd40 and gently loosened it up, it still holds I think if I would have ripped it open without using some lube, it would have damaged the seal.
original blue engine paint colorcode?
I don't know either..maybe they are just lazy to look it up
E-tek RACING '71 Parts Car Resto
I tend to agree, that color looks close enough I want to do mine in the summer, but 'not in a hurry on that, I do need to order parts from the US anyhow, so will order the correct block paint then to. Keep going e-tek ! You'll be driving it soon with this pace. Really nice work so far. Look in my topic about the carbies... I cleaned them with a very small screw driver scrapping the dirt of, and with alot of patience. Make sure to check the exit from the float bowl, mine was very much clogged with dirt. I use Valvoline 190 black, never had problems with it. You should try it !
original blue engine paint colorcode?
Well I took the code HS30-H gave me to various paints shops, but strangly they couldn't convert the paint code.. so the only will be ordering from the states this summer then. I can't paint the block now anyhow, need to do in the summer months.
help me identify these carbs please
What do you mean e-tek? The float bowl is locked to the main housing with only 1 nut ( at least that was the case with mine ), it's easier to take it off. @3ryce: an easy way to check if the float is closing in time, is to put a little hose on the top gasoline feed, and put into your mouth. For testing clean first, and leave the float valve connected to the top of the housing. Then when the hose is in your mouth, blow pressure on it, and move the float bowl gently up, to notice where it's closing, if it works you should not be able to blow anymore air through the hose. The float bowl should not be all horizontal when closed, a little under it.
Homeboyx's 280z Thread
congrats getting it back on the road!
My 1971 240Z Garage Find - One Owner 94xxx miles - Rare for an East Coast Find.
Nice find! Hopefully it's getting restored to it's original glory. The brown interior goes well with the green color.
Starting paint job - body work
Agree, heat gun with a scraper is way easier, few hours work and the car is down to bare metal. Which I would do, because there's always some dents or rust hidden under there.
Rebuilding my 71'
wow ! moving along there..
My Datsun 240Z
Yeah, Ãt works great now But yesterday I was driving, and the car started sputtering again.. I just replaced the NGK plugs a few days ago for the ones that said in the manual.. BPR6ES. Took the plugs out and looked like this ( compare with the picture of the B7ES previous page ): Weird or what? It ran good again right away when I put the most basic B7ES plugs in. The 6's says made in France, the other one made in Japan, maybe that's it .
This is interesting, since I got the BPR6ES plugs for my 240. And it ran okay for 3 days, after that it began sputtering on acceleration. I took the plugs out and looked black sooted. I put back the B7ES plugs, and was running strong again. The B7ES also seems to color nice dark white in the middle, while the BPR6ES turns all sooted? Weird stuff... I must admit, I'm not a fan of modern plugs in old cars.. The BPR6ES says made in france, the B7ES made in japan.. maybe it just hates France