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Everything posted by bartsscooterservice

  1. I dont know what the reason might be, but the 240Z is much more known in the US, hence prices people are willing to pay for them.
  2. I agree. Changes went slowly throughout production. Maybe people started calling the ones with the 240z emblems on the rear pillar and the vented rear hatch series 1 ...
  3. @dutchzcarguyMine also has that typical spot, although welded, its not done correctly, should be welded flush so you don't see it. Its one of the things I need to fix when have some more time coming years. To busy with other projects right now
  4. There are parts damaged or worn out. I asked Kats if he can have a look there in Japan šŸ§. 1 Gear is damaged and needs replaced. Also synchro rings and selector forks 1-4ā€¦ bearings and seals
  5. šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³šŸ˜³
  6. Currently I have the diff and the driveshaft for the euro version 240z ready. Still working on the transmission, need to find parts first. ( FS5C71A )
  7. Actually it was still good ! 50 plus years old, amazing japanese quality... kanto seiki so it's still original lock..
  8. Yes I have done both Mart... It's not tape, it's vulancized rubber tape. It's pretty close to the metal battery hold down frame, I don't want anything exposed. Besides it helps with keeping the oxidation away. This lasted maybe 7 years or so, long enough till next time. lol why ? The battery clamp is still good, no need to replace it :P
  9. If you want repo send it to China and have a factory that does spark plug cables do them. Im sure they can do it.
  10. Fixed it! The problem was simply the battery terminals and to the block ( earth ). Not the terminal itself but the cable that is clamped to it ( Universal battery clamp ). Cleaned everything and some electro water resistant spray on it. Damn cold weather and moisture here šŸ˜­. Moisture is a big problem here even in summer...
  11. It's not the ignition switch. I did have some power back shortly. I do not hear a click anymore. Could it be this relay?
  12. Well Carl, the market in the US seems totally different for what people over the pond here are willing to pay for a 240z then
  13. I know it's been re-painted Mart, I just find it crazy someone is willing to pay 70k for something that isn't correct or close as it came from the factory. I never saw any car from that era with wheel wells and the whole underside painted in the body color. It does so on modern cars. I see a trend last years that people do that when restoring a classic, and I just think it looks ridiculous. It may be nice if you have a fetish for shiny underside parts.
  14. I can't imagine they came from the factory with the whole underside and wheel wells into the same color as the body ?
  15. That was my first thought to. I Will look into it tomorrow thanks
  16. Okay, so today I re-turned the ignition lock key a little to quick, and suddenly nothing anymore. I know this problem is posted before here. Battery is good. But nothing is working. Where lies the problem ? Fuses are all OK. Amp meter ? I don't know how the 240z is wired exactly, since its been a long time I have been doing anything electrical on it. Gr Bart
  17. I found this picture of my e31 head. Looks like a revised version of the spray bar ? I dont know, thought I could share a picture.. maybe you know ?
  18. Germany Mart.....
  19. šŸ¤®šŸ¤® Ethanol is the biggest joke in history, got nothing to do with the environment, it's only killing it. Same with electric cars. You know the first electric cars are from the early 1900s ?
  20. Damn girls where fine back then...
  21. lol yeah, for a rat okay, but I would not put a roof rack on a restored z lol
  22. that roof rack is ridiculous though, who the hell puts that on a sportscar
  23. I send him some info. Cool never knew it was Amco lol
  24. Somewhere last year gas prices here in Germany have gone up a lot to thanks to leftist Politics coming into play sadly. The green guys make our hobbies very expensive
  25. In the second pic the hood is miss aligned.For such a new car in the time? Maybe accident repair allready. The front lower spoiler lip is also a thing of Euro cars I think? I don't see them on the US ones..

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