Sage advice. I just remember how awful the SUs were growing up but then we updated to the round tops and it was a bit better. Very hard-starting and such. I will contact the therapy folks and keep the manifold. Thanks!
Great info, thanks! I have read many a happy testimony on Ztherapy carb work. Perhaps I will start there since my goal is to keep as stock as possible. I do need new exhaust, though. Any suggestions on whether the 6:1 or 3:2 would be the way to go if I keep the SUs?
Hi, I have just begun restoring my grandfather's 73 240 (that I grew up driving too) and I wanted to upgrade from the round tops to the dual webbers. I have the chance to get a used pair without the linkage. How hard is that to find or can I use any of the SU linkage? Any help would be great.