Everything posted by Yamahacam
Cam's 1977 240k Sedan
Got the exhaust replaced today, sounds heaps better. Nice deep and little bit lumpy idle. Does resonate a little about 1500rpm but never there for long anyway. After adjusting the kick down solenoid, bypassing ballast resistor and replacing exhaust the car is really starting to go well like I remember. Still need the manual though.
Ballast resistor?
Youtube may be a bit beyond me. Might try soon.
Ballast resistor?
Found the resistor wire I was looking for. It runs back from the +ve connector on the coil along side the black/red wire and splices into the black/white wire up behind the lh headlight. Black/red must be the start power supply (12v) and the black/white wire supplys ign on power(low voltage) through the ballast resistor wire. I had trouble reving past 3500rpm after installing the pertronix ign. I simply took power from the black/whiote wire closer to the round connector near the coil and hey presto no rev problems and no tacho issues. thanks mr camouflage for the help.
Ballast resistor?
Can anyone help no to find the ballast resistor on my 77 240k, I think I found it on the wiring diagram but not on the car.
Topher's 240k
Love those chrome rims, do you know what they are called and sizes/offset?
Best combo for ehxaust replacement
Yeah sorry, forgot to add that info on the engine. L24 is stock and the single pipe fitted at the moment looks to be 1 3/4 inch.
Best combo for ehxaust replacement
The exhaust on my 110 has just about given up and I am looking to replace it. Exhaust shop thought I would be best to go for 2 inch pipe and fit my twin outlet headers. I currently have headers that have a single outlet but my parts car has the twin outlet version, must be manual/auto thing. I am sticking with the single carb for now so what are your thoughts on pipe diameter and manifolds to get good performance and nice note without the dreaded drone.
Cam's 1977 240k Sedan
Getting closer to being a winner. Now it runs reliably I need it to perform better. Maybe rose coloured glasses but I always remembered it being quicker. I inherited one in about 1997 with a 4 spd manual, now this one has a 3 spd auto and it is slow. Do they really go poorly with the auto? My parts car has a 5 spd in it so this is the next challenge. Hope it makes the big difference I am looking for. Did the Pertronix electronic ignition and this has made it run a lot cleaner(combined witth a better cond distributor). Alternator has already been modded to take internally regulated unit so upgrade should be easy. Wanted to stay with single carb for less problems in my life but will see how things turn out after the manual. BTW I used the 1761 Pertronix ignitor with the 3 ohm coil as recommended for the Datsun 240z single point Hitachi.
Cam's 1977 240k Sedan
The car ran but only just enough to save me money on the car carrier. Had milky oil and ran pretty rough but at least I knew it was all there. Most of the first week was spent admiring what I had found as I was quite sick. After that I ripped the head off to find lots of corrosion in the head and some damage to bore 6 from sitting water. Sent the head off to Northside Cylinder heads and he welded up the blown out ports, lapped the valves and refaced the seats skimmed the head and cleaned it all up. I ended up honing bore 6 and reassembled to see if there would be any smoke. All new coolant hoses, water pump, thermo housing and water outlets and cleaned radiator.
Cam's 1977 240k Sedan
I know I have posted a few pics before but that was under the heading of How stuffed is too stuffed. It does not describe my second sedan so well as it does my first one. I bought a very rusty one as it was the only one I could get my hands on but ended up being a great parts car. Roll forward about 9 months and I got a phone call from a guy in Melbourne who had his late fathers car garaged for many years and decided to sell it. He got my number by googling Datsun 240k sedan and my gumtree add came up as the first result. He asked me what I thought it was worth and I gave him an honest answer. By chance I was to be in Melbourne 4 days later( I have not been to Melb since 1994 sports trip). Could not believe my luck. The owner picked me up from the course I was attending and took me out to look at the car. He asked a lot about what I planned to do with the car, checking to see if it was going to a good home I think. Checked it out, agreed on a price and I had it transported back to Brisbane.
Welcome Kenmeri <3
Are those clips still available from Australia or did you get them from yahoo?
Electronic Ignition kit
Thanks Zed Head, we both have 240k's. 60 amps would be great, mine doesn't stall but I do get some good fluctuation on my amp meter at idle(before and after ignition upgrade).
Electronic Ignition kit
Turns out the resistor is only a noise suppressor. Perth 240 other option is to upgrade to 50 amp alternator which is what I am thinking of doing.
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Got rad back all good and still factory. Something to be said for parts that are made to be serviceable and not disposable.
Electronic Ignition kit
Got my kit today, fitted it up easy as. I also replaced my dizzy with a spare one that had no play in the shaft which was probably most of my problem. Anyway kit in and set timing, had very smooth idle and still yet to drive. Plenty of pics in z section which explain it well. Only question I have is my original coil is 1.5 ohm with an external resistor of 1.6 ohm. Instructions say to leave all resistors in place but my new coil is 3 ohm so should I remove external resistor? Will hit the z section again I think. Will update when I drive it.:-)
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Will see what he says I guess, rads seem to be in good cond but have filled with crap.
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Radiator is sold Des but thanks anyway. Think I will get the 2 I have reconed, local guy will strip, clean, paint and test for $110 each so will try to get a deal on 2.
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
That's fat fingers for Des:-)
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Cheers Does, will look into it.
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Looks like 240z measures up ok just need to modify bottom pipe and hope top pipe lines up with existing hose.
Electronic Ignition kit
I was reading some of the posts in z section and saw they where buying reco dizzys for $125ish. So jealous of the parts prices in the U.S.
Electronic Ignition kit
Will have to wait a few weeks for mine but will keep you posted as well.
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
I'm just after one that flows, shiny would be a bonus. Anyone fitted anything else at all to fit in a c110?
240Z radiator is it the same as 240k??
Anyone fitted a 240z ebay radiator in a c110?
Electronic Ignition kit
Went to bursons today and unit alone was 235 bucks. Went online and got same unit and high voltage coil for 160 delivered from u.s. I try to shop local but sometimes I just can't.