Everything posted by 3ryce
I did not get a ballast with mine. Ill have to go see if I can find one at some auto store.
ya, been on my phone. haha. im about to check it out now. on my comp.
Thank you thats alot more information than ive ever gotten. I do not have an attitude. not trying to. but anyways. thanks for the information its new and what im looking for. Which wires would I have to add more resistance to? one of the wires on the balisist. Its all stock. beermanpete. only thing not original is the MSD blaster 2 ignition coil. Im pretty sure and according to the fsm its current point as well. Oh and about a different new tachometer. ide have to make sure it was a current type pick up right? and the current one is based on an inductive loop correct? so ide have to kinda match that? and even then would i still have to install some more resistance to get the new one to work as well? thanks sorry for all the questions. I will check out the links. if i could get away with that then that would be my solution. do you know if it says where to add the resistor to?
Your right I did not. But in one of the last post I posted I simply stated that im trying to get my tach to work. pretty plain and simple. I would put it back on, however I do not have it. and ya I did start asking about some info in April. But your right i didnt exactly state what was going on. Ive been trying to make that more clear. now that were past my mistakes i have admitted to can we work on a solution. Heres exactly what im trying to do. Get my tach to work with my current ignition coil. I dont really want to buy a 6A or AL. So knowing that. Is there something I can do with buying a different distributor and tachometer or not?
Ok, so I have a 73 240z all stock. I currently have a blaster 2 ignition coil. The Tachometer worked with the original ignition coil. However does not with this one. I bought the 8920 adapter. However thats usless unless I buy the 200+ dollar 6A/AL. anyways, my question is to get it working what are my options besides buying the 6A. even if its a little more money. Like could I buy a MSD dizzy and a tachometer from a 280z or zx. or even a tach from speedhut. I kinda dont really want the adapters. and I want to avoid adding extra wires. So i guess you could say im looking for a almost just bolt in solution. Ive searched the thread over on hybridz but their replys seem to take a few weeks to months, I kinda need to get this going asap. Thanks for your thought and ideas. and if you have done something to your ignition set up please share. Thanks guys!
Where to buy...
Thanks guys, Ill try to just do it and not worry. ha. Been a ton of help.
Where to buy...
on the syncrometer tool one, I see there are numbers. What number is good for good airflow?
Where to buy...
wow thanks for the replys guys! super helpful, i may have to buy two and also use the tube and ear method. I like to double and triple check my stuff.
Where to buy...
Where would i buy a flow meter for the su carbs? ive searched the internet and have come up with little to nothing helpful. If someone could give me a link or point me in the right direction that would be helpful.
Clutch cylinder and slave cylinder,
Well my car seems to be slipping or bogging, not sure which. when in neutral and i rev the engine it seems fine like its able to pull like it should. well when in gear it doesnt seem to want to go after a certian rpm. right now my tach isnt working and i know im not reving up high at all. prob not past 5k. anyways i was thinking something like clutch or slave cylinder might not be working properly or clutch cylinder. so i decided to swap out the old and put the new ones i got from autozone a while back, you know start with the easy stuff. well i ran into a problem. the push rod on the new clutch cylinder was too short and i didnt want to go to autozone again order the part and wait a few days. so i just simply swapped the push rods over and volla. works and fits like oe, however needless to say it did not solve the problem i am having. I will be doing more testing and more then likely its the clutch. i mean the car was sitting for like 10 years before i got it. here are some pictures. New clutch cylinder new slave cylinder old clutch cylinder, nasty and the rubber just fell off. and the differances in the push rods. the new one is just held in there with a snap ring, and the old was was an older style and i just used a knife to pop it out.
5 lug conversion DIY?
Ok so after doing more searching, this is the best ive found. seems legit. only problem is that ross of mm has had some health issues, so that 35mm spacer may need to be sourced from somewhere else. Im sure if you have tried to go to mm.com it comes up at go daddy. but here is a link to the thread on hybridz.org 4 to 5 lug swap options - Brakes, Wheels, Suspension and Chassis - HybridZ
Fixed radiator, broke thermostat housing and stuff
Two days ago I put a 280zx housing on their. will post a picture later trmw or something.
5 lug conversion DIY?
I have done some searching and cant seem to find a diy or a list of sorts, just something saying you can have the rear's redrilled. Is that what you do to the fronts as well? Or is there a hub assembly from another car that one can just throw on there? what about the z31 front and rear? could I take parts from one of them? Thanks.
240Z rear brake upgrade
Wait so the upgrade makes you lose the e-brake useage? I thought it was still able to be used and wouldn't mind the better brakeing. I currently have the drums and I probably need to adjust them cause when I was on a hill, small, I pulled the e-brake and it still rolled. Not good. However thats' right after I changed the pads and I had to move the adjuster quite a bit so thats probably why. But still better e-brake braking with disc. Going to check out hybridz now.
E-tek RACING '71 Parts Car Resto
This is very inspirational! I just hope my z doesnt have as much rust as yours did. im a super novice. After the roof and floor pans and the under battery tray rust repair I hope thats all I have. It will be along time before i can tear down my z to this point. Keep up the updates i love seeing the progress!
sensors on t-stat housing.
Which is why I wish the car was at my place but for now it must stay where its at. if it was where I could just run out and look real quick then ya. I'm tryin to learn! Notes and will not mess with it. Yes the owner before me that brought it to tenn. From cali. Had it all changed and supposedly to get rid of vapor lock but the fuel pump doesn't work unless you jump the wires, but that's for another thread. Thanks for the info. I will try to find a plug for it and just plug it. I was trying to flush the old radiator fluid out and then bolting down the top half and stripped it and was taking the whole housing off and broke the wires and the senor and one bolt head. Ha. But I got that new radiator in there just fine. Again thanks to all you guys yall are an awesome help!
sensors on t-stat housing.
Uploaded with ImageShack.us ok that red triangle is pointing to what? I feel like it has something to do with smog and I want to remove it. It looks like i dont even have an egr so that one sensor seems kinda pointless. So I would assume its same to just plug it up. I mean its not like its gonna throw a code or anything .
sensors on t-stat housing.
ok so the 14 is pointing to the smog pump but im talking about the thing just above it. anyways ill use a photo editing thing and post a picture of what im talking about.
sensors on t-stat housing.
Ok, I was looking at the FSM in the emissions section on the first page where it has like numbers 1 - 15. well 14 says air pump. I dont have the whole system but there is that small one on or near the dizzy. sry my 240 is not where im able to run out to the driveway to give it a quick look. sucks. but im going to just remove anything attached to the smog crap and close off any left over openings and plug things up.
sensors on t-stat housing.
Thanks for the info guys! ha that helps so much! ill prob just delete the egr then and throw a block plate on their. Is there a thread on here about deleting the egr? I will go do some search button options first I guess haha. Again thanks for the help. i love working on this old car and want to do something like that slammed 260z from holland guy did. strip it all down clean and repaint with anti-rust paint and ya. ok ha thanks.
sensors on t-stat housing.
Ok I need help identifying what this is, I know this is what a temp sending unit it, check link. Water Temperature Sending Unit, 240Z 260Z 280Z 280ZX 300ZX, Datsun Nissan However I do not know what this would be called. heres a picture. the sensor, not the thermostat housing. This is off a 240z 1973. Thanks for the help guys. I was thinking fan switch but when at autozone it said the vehicle was not equipped with these.
Slammed 260z from Holland
Holy crap talk about a transformation! Car looks sick! I wish to be able to do that to my 240z some day!
Fixed radiator, broke thermostat housing and stuff
Took this crap out Put this beauty in and broke this stuff stripped the bolt hole on the far side of the top housing, then while taking it apart I broke the bolt head off and the wires and sensors. haha figures, upgrade one thing and break other things. oh well.
3ryce MRT Build Thread
How the frack do you edit your post?! I did it once but cant seem to do it again. Also how can I look in the For Sale section cause I need a new thermostat housing and the sensors. Thanks. I see the edit post in this reply I added but why is it not on my original post? Ide like to add pictures and what not in to that post.
3ryce MRT Build Thread
Thanks man! Will do!