260z doesn't crank
sorry i dont know what kind of wheels those are but from what i was told theyre from a brand called american racing
260z doesn't crank
sold thanks for the interest
260z doesn't crank
monterey park california 91755 more info here link below : http://www.classiczcars.com/forums/usa-western/49668-fs-1974-260z.html#post433629
260z doesn't crank
my landlord wont let me keep the car where it is parked because it does not run. need to get rid of it by next this coming tuesday. will be parting out or selling entire car if anyone buys the car you will need to come tow it out of my parking space. :mad: good things that have been done to the car new coil, new plugs, new wires , new filter , new oil , rebuilt carbs cleaned up gas tank removed as much rust as possible, bypassed interlock. the bad , interior is taken apart , car does not run and theres rust as we all know.
260z doesn't crank
ok key off 12.5 volts at battery , key on 12.5 volts at battery, start position 12.5v drop to 5.42v from B+ to solenoid . (B+ and B- cables heating up and so is the starter, click from inside of car and starter can be heard when key switched to start position.)
260z doesn't crank
thanks , ill get to that as soon as possible gonna ask my buddy to come over and help me with that will post another update once i get the voltage measured with key on , off and at start.
260z doesn't crank
between #49 and #53 i fixed the stuck nozzles and got the car to start but the starter was continously on even after the engine had started. next day starter didnt work, then i went to the store and got a new one and had it tested there as well (good new starter). installed it and it only cranked for a second then everything stopped working cables got hot starter got hot and battery voltage was at 12.8 with charger connected set on 12v 10 amps . tried without charger and same results , just heard starter click once and everything started to get hot battery voltage dropped to around 12.5 after trying to crank it. *frustrated* one problem after another.
260z doesn't crank
260z doesn't crank
thanks for the quick response , ill go get a picture and post it in a few minutes:classic:
260z doesn't crank
thanks , now i know i got the starter wired up right , but i still cant figure out why the negative and positive cables including the starter itself:stupid: are hot to touch and starter doesnt want to turn on. battery is good 12.6v and starter is new had the auto part store test it before i bought it .
260z doesn't crank
can some one show me a picture of how their starter is wired up please, i just want to make sure i got it right and i did look at the FSM. weird problem starter now does not turn over . positve , negative cables are HOT to touch and so is the starter itself. the wire circled i dont know where that goes... but it seems to give power to acc .
260z doesn't crank
cleaned out nozzles now they can move freely. new problem car starts but seems like starter wont disengage even though the engine is already running.
260z doesn't crank
choke cable doesnt move nozzles at all its completely siezed so took carbs off and soaking in pb blaster penetrating oil. not sure how long its going to take before they loosen up. also re-adjusted idle screw per post above by captain.
260z doesn't crank
Thanks for the informative response i'll check all that tomorrow morning as for the ztherapy option its too pricey for me. I'm just trying to get the car run at the moment. progress so far Car doesn't crank > Fixed Cranking but no fuel > Fixed Starts at basically Wide open throttle foot off the pedal. oh and when i serviced the carbs i did make sure all linkage was lubed up nicely and was able to move freely. cleaned pistons and needles making sure they move up and down nice. just Really at a lost at why it would start and rev up really high without me being even on the gas.
260z doesn't crank
Back in town , rebuilt carbs . now the car starts but wont idle. when the car starts its like its at wide open throttle and my foots not even no the pedal.... help whats wrong and what do i need to do??