Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Ok! So I replaced my coil with a FlameThrower 3.0ohm unit, wired up my ignition per the simpler 123 Instructions (coil positive + trigger and ground), and I DO get spark now... but it's orange and weak. New plugs, so just need to diagnose this issue now to get a hotter blue spark in the system. Once I'm able to sort that out, perhaps I'll attempt to reintroduce the MSD 6AL to the mix. So until this point, it feels as though my issue may have been a weak coil. (??)
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Mike! This has been maaaajorly helpful information. Also, your wiring diagram shows me that I’ve got the right idea. However. You have a tach adapter in place in your schematic. Is this a necessary component in getting the car to run?? If so, this may in fact be my missing link. Thanks much!
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
OOps! Yes that is the startER, and the thick battery + cable is connected to the pos. terminal on the starter. The wire labeled "start btn." is the wire that goes from the starter button to the t-post on the solenoid. Sorry to be sloppy w that labeling...
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
The circle in my drawing is for the start button. It's a momentary button on the QuickCar panel I'm using. Wired as such:
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
The IGN toggle on the rocker panel is a constant 12v switch (which the MSD & 123 power run to). The only momentary button / switch on the panel is the push button start. I will run a test when cranking, however. Maybe I'm losing voltage at crank??
Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
That was the idea. The MSD should be sending current to the coil thru the orange to coil (black to neg side). The MSD white wire is the trigger wire, and the black wire from the 123 unit is the signal wire. They should work together. I'm running carbs, so a point-style set-up should be just fine here. (??) I've done this test a few times. Works. The wires are def in the proper order, at least according to this verified reference image:
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Very Cool Ignition Upgrade
Hey all. Having issues getting spark. I have everything wired as such [see attachment], but I just wont get spark when the engine is cranking. Can anyone with a similar set-up confirm that I have everything dialed in correctly?? Wiring from scratch here; this should be working, no??