Remounting Head
Could of been worse . I'm just happy for an answer. Finally got everything back together, after having to redrop the oil pan ( forgot that darned strainer ) I'll toss a picture up later, if you want to check and make sure everything looks good
Remounting Head
Very nice, but I did get the TV reference haha. I do have a printed out FSM, but it seems to be MIA. Figured I'd ask over downloading the fsm on my work pc I do appreciate the answer though, it was as simple as i had figured.
Remounting Head
No need to, this is a full rebuild. I have the l28, right now i have the block sitting there waiting for the head to go on . So i can finish mounting everything else. Once the head is on I can mount the chain/tensioner. Can anyone verify that the #3 intake port is open at #1 TDC
Remounting Head
Most likely a silly question, that I am over thinking. I am in the process of swapping a l28 into my 240. Before I mount the head, can anyone tell which valves would be open on the head. Block is currently sitting at 1 and 6 being up. Many thanks
240z swap question
And i do appreciate all of the feedback on this, thanks everyone
240z swap question
This does have dished pistons, and i plan going with a carb setup. I currently have a 390 holley on my l24 which is a bit over kill. My hopes is to move the head over, I'll just have to do some digging as to which e88 head it actually is. Worse case, i do have the head that came with the 280 block. I could always clean it up and use that in a pinch, all though I would rather not rebuild another head.
240z swap question
Ended up picking up n42 block, came with all the other goodies too. Now to see if I can get my e88 head to work on it, the head that came with has seen better days.
240z swap question
That's fine, I just did my notorious "fixing up a stock setup and not looking into upgrades first" deal again. So i have a redone head with only 300 miles on it Would like to not have to junk the money spent. Any more information into this would be fantastic, I am new to my Z and have all winter to finish her up.
240z swap question
I am sure this has been covered, but i keep landing on threads for a full l28 swap. My question is simple. Can I use my e88 head on an l28 block?