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Everything posted by 260z210

  1. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I got all the parts in a box, and had no idea how it worked. i just made gaskets and bolted everything up. All the vacuums hoses I ran, not knowing where any of them go forsure. The intake cover had the hose connected to it. I saw a pcv valve on the end of the tee connecting, and the hose was the right length. So I only assumed It went there not to sure. When I took off the cap on the vacuum port, it had a really hard vacuum, to where it whislted so im sure it goes somewhere, just not to sure..It does start right up ( with choke fully closed only). Just idles weird you have to mess with the choke to keep it on. I think all the pieces where custom made, I can't find very much about this flattop draw through carb turbo set up.
  2. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    How can it have a virus it's a pic linked to photobucket ..
  3. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    So I finally got a fuel pressure gauge. And it's between 5 & 6, so I think that's pretty good. I still believe I have a vacuum problem. There's one port that I have plugged, but it's connected so some adjustment screw so I know it needs to go somewhere. In the picture it's the port that's open connected to the brass tee..
  4. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I opened that brass plug before, and there's nothing in there. I guess the previous owner took it out. But I think I fixed the fuel problem. I connected some vacuum line I originally plugged up, and seems to fill the filter up now. Now the car doesn't wanna idle right. It idles really low, and shuts off. I have to keep pushing the gas to keep it on. I know I'm close just gotta adjust it some.
  5. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Where exactly is the filter screen? I ran the car with the bottom of the carb off, and the fuel was coming out the the small tube pretty steady. I then pushed the float up and the fuel stopped like its suppose to..
  6. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Sorry about the punctuation thing. I'm on a phone so it ends up being one long text. Haha It's not so much a bubble it's barly dribbling out. Only when I give it throttle, when I stop at idel it almost completely drys up. The electric pump is working, but I don't know if it's strong enough. (Also i had to hot wire it because it would turn on)..& I thought the mechanical pump was supposed to produce most of the fuel when the engines running. I've taken the carb off and cleaned it. I still need to buy a fuel pressure gauge as suggested. Do you think I should just buy another aftermarket electric fuel pump, and regulator? Any other suggestions? Thanks for the Feed back.
  7. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Okay so I got her running and took the first drive But the car is starving for fuel.. I have in visible inline fuel filter right before It goes in the carb and when the cars on That filter doesn't fill up I can just see a little Steam going through I know the carb needs more Fuel any ideas why it's not filling up. Also I would think it would get more fuel If it didnt have a fuel return line Could I possibly just plug that up or does The car need it.. Thanks
  8. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    So I think I figured it out, i was just relying on the throttle return spring on the carb. i added another throttle return spring that's hooked on the body and it seems like it worked. i guess it wasn't shutting the throttle all the way. i only had it running for a little, but it got dark so i have to do more testing tomorrow. I still wanna check the timing does anyone know what it should be set at normally. As for the vacuum lines not to sure if i got them all correct ill take a closer pic tomorrow of what i got..Also are the two ports on the bottom of the carb for water?
  9. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    So I finally got it running, sometimes I have to pull the choke all the way then it starts right up. but it starts to rev really high and I shut it off before it gets to high.(rpm gauge not working so idk how much).. but if I push the choke back in to turns off... then after doing this for a while it starts with the choke pushed in and it started but it also started revving super high to the point where i need to turn off the car. also I'm not opening the throttle at all but, if i do it does rev higher like its suppose to.. it just doesn't idle...please help I feel so close to taking the first drive in her...
  10. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    I'm can't wait to see what this setup can do.. I'm pretty sure I found the problem. I took off the fuel inlet tube and it was clogged up with some junk idk where that came from. Well I cleared out what I can see but I still can't blow through the fuel inlet is this normal? Or should I take it to a shop to see if they can clear the jet? Also is there a fuel outlet? I took off what I thought was the water line but it smelled like fuel, I could be wrong and it just dripped around it anyone know?
  11. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Yeah I was planing on getting one thanks for the info about the pressures. When I turn on the car I don't hear the pump, but I read on the Haynes book that it sould only kick on after 3000 rpm or something like that. I did hot wire it so I could fill up the lines when I emptied the tank. Should it be running all the time? & yes it still has the stock mechanical fuel pump.
  12. 260z210 replied to 260z210's post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Well the previous owner said it was sitting for a year. So as soon as I got the car I replaced the inline filter and took out the filter in the electric pump, I also drained the tank and blew out all the fuel lines.. When I crank it the fuel squirts out so in assuming the mechanical pump works. I don't know much about the turbo setup but I've seen one setup online that look really similar and supposedly it was running strong before it was dismattled and the carb was rebuilt.
  13. 260z210 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    well i bought the car with half the motor in the box, after two weeks of figuring out where everything goes. im having trouble getting it to start. i can get it to start for a second, but it turns off really fast, but if i spray starting fluid in the carb it starts very easily but stays on for just a while longer but still shuts off after a few seconds. i hardly know anything about these carbs except the little bit of info Ive read. i also noticed the clear fuel filter i put inline before the carb doesn't fill completely it leaves a big air bubble but when i disconnect a hose i hear air and the filter fills up a little bit more. any ideas also im running a old draw through carb to turbo setup.. and I'm not to sure if i have any vacuum lines hooked up right.
  14. 260z210 posted a post in a topic in Help Me !!
    Hi, I'm new to this and a brand New 260z owner I know a lot about cars But old Chevys never worked on a datsun Before but I've always loved the car So I finally bought one previous Owner said it ran good but had a leaky Carb so it got rebuilt problem is he left The turbo carb exhaust intake all disconnected I think I figured out how it goes problem Is I need all the bolts and nuts to install Everything is there anywhere you can buy Them? Also I noticed it has one of those Filter canister that alot of vacuum hoses Are connected to can I just cut that out and Plug the hoses? And I noticed the key I have only Turns the ignition and driver side door Am I missing a key and if so what's The best way of fixing that?? Thank you for reading And hope someone can help me...

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