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About Jamaican_Z_Lover

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  • Member ID: 28128

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  • Joined: 06/10/2013

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  • Age: 42



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  1. Thanks for the advice but excited me already put them in. Feels good. Now to tighten up everything and prepare to carry them home. Any pointers on setting them up in the car? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  2. Operation C.O. was a success but the o-rings are fitting tight. I will see if some lubrication works and how well it returns when I assemble everything later. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  3. Yeah thats true. Guess it wont hurt to leave it alone. The car is now at the garage with the mechanic but it gets worked on on the weekends and when things are slow as the usual traffic of customers takes precedence plus he doesn't want too many people drooling over it when he is working on it. Plus I have the carbs so he cant start it anyway. Still need to drop the shafts off at the machine shop. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Ok i will leave it alone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. Nice Z and great photography. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. Hey siteunseen i was just gonna reply and send the same pic. Thanks. Yes that is what I meant. To cut off the smaller side pipe and 1 nice clean inlet. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. This may seem weird to you guys or a waste of money but has anyone cut off the heater branch on the water inlet housing and welded it up. The heater has no use to me in the Caribbean and I was wondering if any of the skilled welders on here think this is worth the effort. I was just thinking of a nice clean inlet that didnt look like something is missing. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. The horn thing shows how cultures differ. My friends from Canada find it so strange that we use our horn to communicate both greetings, gratitude and anger. Always have to resist using the horn when i am in the US too. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. @grannyknot I honestly have no clue what the wheels are. I can check next time i am there. @ Hr369 yeah I know him pretty well. The 280z is presently being wired and then they will finalize the last few bits. Should be done by April. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  10. Finally getting some movement on the restoration of my S30 after months of being broke. The only comfort is that my car is in Jamaica while I am working in Barbados so the distance keeps me from getting frustrated. This was the day my friend went to pick it up from the previous owner who was restoring it but had some health challenges and decided to sell it. Circumstances were not ideal but lucky me. This was months after purchasing the car and I still had not been to Jamaica to see it. This was taken by another friend while the mechanic checked on the condition of the parts provided. The plan is to keep the matching L24 and upgrade things to make it more roadworthy. I was lucky enough to have a friend donate two (2) Mikuni 44 PHH's he found in a storeroom from his father's S30 and I got 2 more at a steal of a price. So now I have four 44 PHH's so I guess 1 will be spare. These will be restored at some point in the future and a Harada Shokai manifold purchased for them. But I will be using the 3 screw SUs to get her started and on the road. Thanks to Bruce for his advice and parts. And this is the last pic I received from the mechanic. Matching L24 should be going back in in the coming days. You know who is dying to go back home now.
  11. Just as an update I still have the throttle shafts to machine but I have been putting in some work on cleaning up the carbs. So far I have spent a few hours on the dome with an assortment of sandpaper and I like it. I may try some polish but I love the bling so far. Anyone who has done this before, should I clear coat the domes?
  12. So since I am new to the forum I will reiterate the obvious that Captain Obvious is a great guy. This gentleman, who I am still yet to meet, sends me a few odds and ends to help make my carb refresh that much better. Bruce I salute you sir and table a motion to promote you to Major Awesome!
  13. There are machine shops that I can have do this for me but that would be taking all the fun out of bringing the carbs with me to Barbados. The reason they are here is for me to get my hands dirty. I will check it out and see as I think I will take the broken stub to the machine shop so I dont do any further damage.
  14. Hey Bruce, You are talking about calibrations to a metrologist so I already took your measurements only as a guide. The reason I live in Barbados is because I work for an organisation where I am responsible for improving the calibration capabilities of the labs within the Caribbean. My previous job my background was calibration of pressure gauges, force equipment, torque wrenches and gauges along with some flow and volume work. Since I am now a paper pusher this is the only way I get to dirty my hands and have some fun. Gratefully there are guys like you that already did all the research so I get to do and not think so much. Everything I do would be relative to the o-rings and the shaft diameters as indicate by my instruments. The key is that I want a sealed fit between the o-ring and the bushing. Problem is in Jamaica I would have access to a machine shop. Here I will have to use a drill press and hack saw blade to make the grooves.
  15. So this rookie gets the screws out of the throttle plate but looks like I damaged 1 of them on the way out but didnt realise. I put them back in and 1 is getting really stiff so by the time I start backing it out the head breaks off. Stupid mistake because I know better but just too excited a guess. Hopefully I dont need another throttle shaft. Thanks for the guide and I will sure to give it a try.
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