Everything posted by jimmytx
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
Yep, the second compression check confirmed it, no pressure. I guess the rings broke down after running for 30 mins. Weird. Ill know when I take it apart. I did go get the L28, which has about 200 k on it, but assured it was running a couple of months ago. Will swap it out, tear down the original and see whats up. Should add that the engine fell off the pallet while 3 of us lifted it to my pickup bed, breaking the valve cover and the pcv tube is loose, but I do believe that was the only hit it took. Those suckers are heavy! To be continued.
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
Borrowed a compression tester from AZ, 0-5 psi all cylinders. Will get another gauge and verify results tomorrow. If confirmed there is a guy up the road that has a L28 for sale cheap. Stay tuned.
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
Replaced the ignition module (on the distributor), and the distributor cap. Temp sensor on the head is intact. Just noticed now that the spark is pretty yellow. Think Ill order a pickup coil and throw it on there.
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
OK, I wanted to attach some short movies showing the spark plug against the block, squirting the starter fluid down into the intake manifold, shocking the heck out myself, etc. The spark seems weak and it took a little cranking the first time before any spark came on at all. The car ALMOST started when I had one plug out (you can hear it). When I replaced the plug and shot the starter fluid down the hole it didnt fire at all, almost like it was flooding. Maybe I have an electrical issue after all. Coil, module, I dont know. Somebody smarter than me is going to have to call this one. And the format of the movies are wrong. Anybody know what this site finds acceptble? Ill try to find some software to convert the files. Thanks, Jim.
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
The spark was bright white. The starter fluid is starter fluid, though somebody told me it aint what it used to be. I was squirting downstream of the Air Flow Meter, hooked it back up. Cant quite get the can of starter fluid in the limited space now, will look for a shorter can, or get some kind of straw attached to it. Did check the return line, gas is flowing freely, cleared it. Still nothing. Will persue a pressure checking gauge. Pep Boys dosent have it. Any suggestions?
Fuel Rail Question/cant get it started
82 280zx. Ran nicely until it didnt, then I replaced the fuel pump. The gas was bad (dark, smelled of varnish, sat for 10 + years), I ran it with the bad gas for a while (10 mins at a time, around the block once), then it just stopped. Pumped out 95% of the remaining gas just north of the fuel filter, then replaced the fuel filter. Put in new gas. Verified it has spark by pulling a spark plug. Pulled off valve cover to try to inspect timing belt, discovered it has a timing chain. Put valve cover back on. Pulled the injector closest to the firewall, noted the plastic ring that serves as some kind of over-grown O ring (I guess) is broken, verified some gas is squirting out, replaced injector. Removed rubber air intake hose upstream of butterfly air plenum (not sure the correct term..the device that moves when the gas pedal is depressed), squirted lots of starter fluid down it's throat, no fire. I thought that would have ruled out the lack of fuel. So if my thinking is correct, I have a fuel source, spark and compression, yet the thing refuses to fire up, or even hiccup and backfire. Spark plugs are not wet. Does there need to be sufficient vacuum in the intake manifold and am I disturbing this by having the rubber intake hose (from air cleaner) disconnected, therefore breaking the sucking of the ether down the pistons? Should I concentrate on replacing that broken o ring on cyledar #6 then hook the connecting air intake rubber tubing? Im thinking even if the injectors are clogged, squirting the starter fluid directly into the plenum should provide a fuel source. Fuel + spark + compression SHOULD result in something!! Thanks everyone. Austin is great in April, wish I were driving around in my Z. Jim.
Chunks in my Gear Box Oil
Thanks for the speedy reply. Heres another picture. I guess its down to replacing the clutch parts vs rebuilding the box/locating a donor. I will perform a compression check on the motor before proceeding. The car suffers from some rust in the frame rales, and I don't know if some welding/patching can pull that together or not. The body is good. I bought the car for $1000 a year ago and have not put any money into it (yet). I have medium skills, and lots of courage. Thanks again.
Chunks in my Gear Box Oil
Hey everyone. My 82 280zx has a terrible rattle/chatter when running. The noise quiets down considerably when the clutch is engaged (pedal down). There is total slippage, 5% power when the clutch is let out. I just push it around my driveway. PO told me he had the clutch replaced by some monkey who put in the wrong side "throw out" bearing (assiming thats the release bearing). I waited until its hot enough to fry eggs on the hood of the car to start the job of replacing the clutch. Drained the gear box oil and to my horror I saw lots of shavings attached to the plug (looks like a fuzzy catapillar) and the remanents of something round and metal (attaching a photo here). Do I need to start looking for a new gear box, or could this be related to that incorrectly sized throwout bearing? Thanks for your reponse. Jim.