On my 1979 280zx.. I got my new Yokohama tires early this morning, so first thing I did was pile up the wheels in the truck and went and got them put on and balanced. Put them on my car then took a test drive(down driveway and back hah). after that I needed to check and make sure the timing was right on the engine. That took me ALL day, there's no videos that I could find or any kind of guide that made sense. I probably read that section of the 280zx book 5 times before it even made sense to me. The timing was right, I was actually hoping it wasn't. My car wont jump when you push the gas all the way down, It just dies out. So I was hoping that was the problem. After that I made sure the vacuum hose was sucking, and it was. So today I got 3 things checked off my list of what to check on the car out of like 200 thousand.. I'm only 15 and doing most of this by myself with hardly any experience, sorry if your kinda pondering on why 3 things took me all day haha.