240tom started following Honda Wiper Motor Upgrade for the 240Z
Need a member in NYC area!
I've sold my 240Z to Martin Kivi, from Norway, and he is driving it up to NYC this weekend, then having it shipped to Norway on Monday. However, his flight out is Sunday evening, and we need a safe place for him to park it Sunday evening until the shipping company can come get it on Monday. If any one can help we would really appreciate it. Hate to have to take a chance on leaving her in a garage at the airport or something else. Contact me at tmccroskey424@charter.net, or 865-441-8301, or Martin's email is kivitransport@gmail.com.
plastic vs steel fan
Mine was built 11/70 and it has the plastic fan, positive it came with it.
Selling my 240Z
I've listed my Series One 240Z on ebay, wanted to give everyone a heads-up. http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/262364545121?
1971 Series One for sale
Everyone, I just listed my 240Z on ebay. http://www.ebay.com/itm/-/262364545121? Thanks, and pm me if you want more information.
69-73 240z Original
What about a Series 1 that's been "lovingly resurrected"? Lots of new metal due to rust, (floor pans, rear quarters, NOS fenders, hood, passenger rocker panel) but has numbers matching and fully restored engine, all new rubber and bushings, rotisserie restoration with 903 paint and black interior (new carpet and seats, dash restored, original vinyl and plastic panels). Runs great, handles better.
Vehicle: Datsun 240Z (1971)
Thanks Mike!
Vehicle: Datsun 240Z (1970)
Would love to see more about her. Does she still have the original engine? Tell us more and more pictures!
Vehicle: Datsun 240Z (1971)
Hello Dennis! What have I NOT done! She was a basket case, but luckily the rust damage was mostly in the panels. I replaced the passenger rocker panel but the structure, doglegs and tunnel and subframe, were all solid. New fenders, rear quarters, hood, hatch shelf and spare tire well, but my roof and hatch were fine. I have a friend who is a car hobbyist and is very good at body work and painting, so he had her for about nine months on his rotissiere. My numbers-matching engine was frozen, so I had a good mechanic here, who had actually worked on the car in her previous life and knew her well. He sent the E88 head somewhere that he said was the best place, and he homed the cylinders and put in new pistons and replaced every bearing and seal. I don't want to admit how much I spent! I've tried to bring her back to her original condition, although have gone to a Pertronix ignition, an internal voltage regulator 60 amp alternator, curved mustache bar, and RT mount. I'd also like to replace my wiper motor and blower motor (both of which are on their last legs) and upgrade the headlights. I need to redo some of my vinyl, especially over the rear wheels where it hasn't stuck very well. It's got all new carpet, door panels, headliner, seats, I repaired the dash and got all the instruments sorted out and working, even the clock, at least for a little while. All my lights work. Maybe the best thing is how great she runs and how tight the handling is. All new rubber, bushings, struts, seals bearings (front and back). Ztherapy carbs and rebuilt brakes all around. Took the gas tank out and sealed it. I miss all those evenings taking things apart, cleaning them and putting it all back together. I guess that means it's time for another one, but I'm afraid my wife would leave me.
Vehicle: Datsun 240Z (1971)
Name: Datsun 240Z (1971) Date Added: 23 September 2013 - 01:11 PM Owner: 240tom Short Description: I bought this car from its second owner in August 2013. It had been sitting outside since 1998. According to the person I bought this car from, it was the third 240Z titled in the State of Tennessee. He purchased it from the original owner, his college roommate, back in the early seventies. I had seen it down below his shop for a couple of years and finally got around to asking him about it, and he offered to sell it to me. My father owned a 240Z back in the early seventies and I have good memories of that car. View Vehicle
'70 240Z Parts Car
http://knoxville.craigslist.org/pts/5278122585.html. I don't know anything more, but if someone would like for to check it out, let me know.
New 240Z owner!
Stealth240Z, I am pulling for you. My 240Z was a rust bucket too, although my only real structural issue was the passenger side rocker panel. I also had to replace the framerails, floor panels, both rear quarters and both fenders, the sill at the rear hatch, and the spare tire well. That is some seriously scary rust in your rockers and doglegs though. I was veery lucky to live near Roger Schmidt, who had and may still have a bunch of old Z's to part out and cut panels out for me. Message me and I'll give you his email, maybe he can still find you some parts, and at the very least give you some advice. Folks here all know about him and Zbarn. And don't hesitate to contact me with any questions. Good luck!
[2015] What Did You Do To/with Your Z Today?
I took my 240Z to a local car show. Besides a 1978 Land Cruiser and a Japanese-built Mini Cooper, we were the only non-American muscle car or truck there. Oh well, she was looking good and running better!
Tail of the Dragon 2015
How rare is my z?
There is a member on here who had a sub-1000 VIN white/blue, six year old restoration but it was still in excellent condition, and he sold it to a Japanese buyer a few months ago for $19,500.00.
E88 head in a Series 1 car?
My 11/70, VIN HLS30-13158, has an E88 head on the numbers-matching engine. I'm positive that's what it came with, as I just had it (and the engine itself) rebuilt by the fellow who did the maintenance work on the car for the prior owner (my seller), who bought the car from the first owner in the early seventies. Tim would have known if the head had been replaced.