New member, new 240K Sedan
When you back on the rigs, there is a car show at Tooday on Sunday 11th Nov, i will be taking the K, wondering if you will be interested in this show with your car ?
my 240k over in Perth
Back to more important things like my splutter on acceleration, did a few bits this weekend, sprayed some carbie cleaner in it, read my manual and found that the secondary side of the carbie works on vacuum and has a diaphram that brings in the secondary side. I manually moved the diaphram in and out and the secondary butterfly valve in the carbie opens as it should do. Took it for a spin and it has improved considerably, but still not quite fully working right, just wondering if the diaphram needs an overhaul, or has anyone got any other ideas, it would be appreciated. Now 240k style tells me they go some i want to find out, once i get it to work right i will be back to my normal easy driving though !
my 240k over in Perth
just had a private email from someone in Kuwait asking if I want to sell my car, what's all that about, like I would want to sell it to someone in Kuwait ??
my 240k over in Perth
The cars runs great, really smooth. The only slight issue is when I put the accelerator to the floor it doesn't seem to want to go ( auto model ), sort of feels like a carbie issue, seems to splutter a bit and wont go on in speed, maybe due to the guy who owned it being a retired gent he never floored the accelerator in 30 odd years. I might just get some carbie cleaner and spray some of that into it, or has anyone experienced this before and have some other idea as to what it could be. Seeing as I drive it with so much care I never need to floor the thing, but it would be good if it did shift a little faster if I needed to ! In answer to the other question from Perth 240 I got the car around Feb I think ???
my 240k over in Perth
Hi all, thought I would share my 240k story and pictures with you. I was already an owner of a 180b when some months back I was casually looking for anything for sale under Datsun and came across the below car for sale. I had no real intention of purchasing the car but just wanted to take it for a drive more than anything, so spoke to the seller and arranged a time to see the car. I made the good move of taking my wife along with me when I did the visit. when I got next to the car I knew that I had to have it, it was a one owner car and immaculate in everyway. The story was that the first and only owner bought the car as a retirement present for himself and was only ever his weekend car and was always garaged and even had a car cover on it in the garage. He would never drive it if it looked liked rain and it had full service history for every service it had ever had. He sadly passed away into his 90's and so was being sold by his daughter in law. I got my wife In the car and away we went for a drive in her. When we got back to the sellers house my wife turned to me and said, we should get this car, which I didn't need her to tell me twice. They agreed to not sell it to anyone so we could have a think about it. The next day we did another test drive and the deal was done. The sellers are such a nice family they kept the car in their carport for me until i could sell my 180b to make room for the K. We even keep in touch with them still as they like to know how the K is going, which is nice as this shows how much they valued this car being in the family as it was for over 30 years. Since getting her all I have done is a wash and T cut and a wax, and added the rear venetians, everything else is as it was when I purchased her. I still have the original car cover he used to use to cover it up in the garage as well. The car seats are such a 70's thing that when I go to car shows In her everyone comments on the seats ! here are some pictures of the K
New member, new 240K Sedan
Mine is that green one / vinyl roof correct, that pic was at a meet a few weeks ago, but I am Dave not Ray ? I will post some pics of it so you can see it fully soon. Have you got some pics of your K at all ? Would have liked to have gone to the Datsun day but as I said I am over east so cannot make it there, are you a member of the Z club ? I showed my K at the Whiteman park car show recently and the Datsun cub gave me all the info to join, just not got round to it yet, I was showing mine with the Toyota club at the time ? So that's 3 x 240k's in Perth now then, we are expanding !
New member, new 240K Sedan
Hi mate, just seeing if you are planning on going down to freo on Sunday, if so i will make the trip myself in my K and see you there, if you cant make it let me know and i will go for a bike ride instead !
New member, new 240K Sedan
no my rear badge panel says Datsun, maybe yours was changed at some point, mine also had the tow bar which i removed, didnt like the look of it ? Is yours auto or manual ? I will be away over East on the 20th so wont be able to make that datsun one, have you heard of the coffee morning meet they do at Capt munchies in freo each month, the next one is this Sunday meeting 9.00am till 11.00am, maybe go to that one, i havent been yet but they get a good turn out and we could park the two K's side by side to out do the SLR owners ! ( by the way didnt even see your user name was perth 240, read your post and decided to join to reply, picked perth 240k and then when i replied saw yours was perth 240 ! )
New member, new 240K Sedan
Nice looking k you have got yourself there, looks in great condition. We also own a previous one owner 240k sedan ourselves, and are also in Perth. Since purchasing ours I have not seen another k around Perth, so if you want to compare cars and have a chat ( ours is a 1977 model ) let me know and we could meet up for a 240k coffee meet. Do you plan to do anything to it at all ?