Z's on BAT and other places collection
It is a great Data Base - At some point in the very near future, someone will apply the right technical skills with the best AI tools - and we well all how important and useful that Data Base could be. I'd say leave the thread alone and keep building the data base. Also keep in mind that "the thread" should not be confused with "the people" that respond. The discussion thread is very useful even if some of the people that respond are not.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
It sold for a reasonable price - at least in todays market. $34, 350.00. Great buy for the person that loved almost everything about it.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Too bad they didn't have Lee Midgley's Alfa beside the BRE 510. Lee was a friend of Peter Brock's, and co-driver of the Baja Z in the Baja 500 1973.
HLS 30 hub caps
Yes, that is a Nissan Vintage Z - HLS30 32089. A 1971 Datsun 240Z https://zhome.com/IZCC/ZRegisters/VintageZ.htm
Carl Beck started following Interesting Video Restoration , HLS 30 hub caps , Hs30-10324 HH ….ZL and 2 others
HLS 30 hub caps
Nissan issued Factory Service Bulletins upon the introduction of each of the Four Models of Datsun 240Z’s that they produced and sold between Oct 1969 and Aug. 1973. Each of the four Models were assigned a distinct set of chassis serial numbers. The first series of chassis serial numbers for the 1st models sold to the public started at: HLS30 00013 and HS30 00003 The second series of chassis serial numbers for the 2nd models sold to the public started at: HLS30 21001 and HS30 00500 If you want to know exactly what the difference is between the 1st & 2nd. series of chassis serial numbers, you can find them individually listed by Nissan in the new model Introduction Service Bulletin, February 1971, Vol 137. All 18 items are listed here were on the "New & Improved Model", everything else stayed the same. https://zhome.com/History/New71LateP2.htm
Hs30-10324 HH ….ZL
1971 Oct 01 First Digit = Year 2nd Digit = Month 1 - 9 then switch to X,Y,.Z for Oct - Dec 3rd&4th = Day 5th is a Batch Code L24-067045 and 067838 were in HLS30's with Date of Mft. 11/71
Checking in...It's been long time.
I'm still around. Bob Weissman started the Z Car List on a majordomo server in 1987. Prior to that we had about 30 guys using personal E Mail's with a CC list. ( USENET /NSFNET). Seems like yesterday -
Where To Make Cuts
$1.00 in 1925 is $18.23 today. A US Penny in 1925 had the same buying power of $1.83 today. So your 2 cents worth is now 366 cents. An ounce of God in 1925 was $20.67 - that is 31.1035 grams.(call it 31). $0.66 per gram. An once of God today is $2,754.10 - that is $88.84 per gram. 133 times as much Where did your purchasing power go? $35,000,000,000,000.00 in National Debt.
Let's show vintage racing pictures. I'll start.
Bob convinced Camel to sponsor the Pace Car. It was built as a backup Race Car, in case anything happened to the BSR Race Car. They were both built at the same time.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Not on BAT -but related to current market pricing... 2004 M/B SL500 with 14K miles. Was asking $26,500.00... now down to $18,500. https://www.hemmings.com/auction/2004-mercedes-benz-sl500-westport-ct-919098?utm_medium=email&utm_source=EDaily&utm_campaign=2024-10-01&uemlid=a9a67d1ba1d99fc8f383120b6c9aa055922883ecc7fd9867ed60273a116fd5e4 If that car was anywhere in Florida - I'd rush over and buy it.
Interesting Video Restoration
Very True. Around here we car nuts, call them "metal men". The harder something is, the more they love doing it. Very hard to find these guys today. I wouldn't dream of starting a restoration on a rusty 50+ year old car today unless I had one of these guys to work with.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The last time that happened here was about 7 years ago. We lost power for about 6 days in that hurricane, I should have been better prepared this time. All in all we're thankful that power was the only thing we lost. Hundreds of people closer to the beach lost their homes and about 8 or 10 lost their lives. One friend lost 4 of his collector cars to storm surge flooding (a 65 Corvette, 65 GTO, 66 Chevelle SS, 68 Cutlass Convert.) Another neighbor of his lost his house do to fire - - his electric car was flooded with salt water and caught fire burning the house down. I think there was as bad to worse damage in the States North of us - death toll is up to 80/90 there.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
Yes - thanks.. (lost power here for a couple days..)
Z's on BAT and other places collection
26,750 10,500 $6250.00 difference between a very nice to excellent condition 72 240Z sold on the 18th - - and a Project needing full restoration sold today. Crazy Market. It will take $30k to $40K and a thousand hours of labor to match the condition of the finished Z sold on the 18th.
Z's on BAT and other places collection
The market has changed significantly since 2018 and 2020. Since Feb of 2020 Inflation has driven consumer prices up over 21%. That can quickly cut deeply into what anyone thought was part of their "disposable" income. Plus make anyone have second thoughts about retained or increasing values... The "Buyers" just aren't there today...I'd be surprised to see bids on this go above $30k... The Bubble hasn't burst yet, nor are the Classic Car Markets in Free Fall.... but there is a great deal of uncertainly. The old saying is "don't try to catch a falling knife".
Carl Beck
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