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Carl Beck

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Everything posted by Carl Beck

  1. Hello Everyone: While it seems that the Z Car Community has broken itself into generation specific sub-cultures; only to come together once or twice a year at the major Z Car events; there is a movement afoot to bring "Car Enthusiasts" together in local areas at least once a month. This is an interesting concept and one I believe we should all support and encourage. It's originator calls it "Cars and Coffee". It's held the third Saturday of each month hosted by the "duPont Registry" in their corporate offices parking lot. It starts at 7:00AM and is over by 9:00AM, leaving the rest of the weekend free. The idea is simply to get Car Nuts in the local area together for a couple hours once each month, to meet one another and talk "cars", have a cup of coffee if you like and appreciate the diversity of automotive interests in your local area. Today, we had about 15 Ferrari's, 1 Audi R8, 1 1968 Camero RS/SS Convert, 1 Lambo, 1 1958 Chevy Station Wagon Full Custom, 1 Continuation Cheetah.... well you get the picture... about 150+ really neat vehicles... Why 7:00AM?.... No traffic on the roads at that time Saturday morning, so it's relatively safe to bring your pride and joy out. Plus it's cool in the morning in the parking lot. Ending at 9:00AM leaves everyone free to do all the things needed on the weekend... Yes it takes a little effort, but believe me it is well worth it... especially if you enjoy meeting and networking with fellow "Car Nuts" in your local area. Local Z Car Clubs could start this - working with their local Nissan Dealers, or local shopping Malls etc. Local automotive related business could also start this - it may take a year before word spreads by word of mouth... but you'll be amazed at the number of cars that show up each time. Coffee - supplied by a mobile Starbucks vendor - the Host business or organization has people there to greet the arrivals, walk them around and introduce them their fellow Car Nuts as necessary... just as good Hosts would do anywhere... Attached is a note from the Publisher of the duPont Registry - Mr. duPont is the originator of the "Cars and Coffee" get-together and wants to see the idea spread... Just takes a very little effort and a lot of sticking too it... I especially like this months Publisher's Letter.. http://www.dupontregistry.com/ FWIW, Carl B. Carl Beck Clearwater, FL http://Zhome.com
  2. Do you have a picture of the console you want to put in? Carl B.
  3. Hi Bob: The story of Datsun in the USA is a great story to tell. Earlier - I should have also said that "part" of the story of Datsun in the USA can be found in the book that John B. Rae wrote, "NISSAN/DATSUN - A History of Nissan Motors Corporation in U.S.A., 1960-1980". The hope is that the DHM will contain information that expands greatly upon Mr. Rae's book, and exhibits the powerful combination of an entrepreneurial spirit in a free market, with responsive corporate structures. Not only was Mr. K and Datsun successful here, they helped make over a thousand Dealers successful beyond their dreams, while providing tens of thousands of good paying jobs for others. In these days of bashing Large Corporations and International Trade, this is a story that needs more public attention. FWIW, Carl B.
  4. Hi Gang: 26th Z called and suggested that many people had many questions about the Datsun Heritage Museum aka DHM, for which Bob C. had put some items on e-bay. The Datsun Heritage Museum is really the brainchild of Fred Jordan, and as Bob mentioned Fred was the Sales Manager for the first DATSUN Dealership in the US. Fred also founded the Z Car Club of the Inland Valley (ZCCIV) and has had a very close relationship with Mr. K for decades. Fred is first and foremost a "DATSUN Enthusiast", and perhaps one of people in the US with the longest personal history with the marque. (he started at a very young age). The DHM is at this point a reality, but lets say it was just born. Still an infant, with lots of growing to do. Well past the "concept" stage - but not fully developed and ready to run. That means that are hundreds of "To Be Determined" (TBD's) to pin down. So I'm sorry to say that the hundreds of questions that can be thought of - simply do not yet have clear answers. It will take time.. and good people are working tirelessly on it at present .... What I can tell you at this point: DHM Creed: The Datsun Heritage Museum is a 501©(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the education and preservation of the history and the products relating to Datsun/Nissan. Documenting; “The greatest Automotive Story Ever Told.” All donations to the museum are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. Please consult with your accountant. DHM Officers and Borad Of Directors: Officers/Directors: Masataka Usami President Fred Jordan Vice President Betty Jordan Treasurer Johnnie Gable Secretary Directors: Robert O. Link Yoichi Matsumoto David Ochenreider Dan Banks Honorary Board Members: Yutaka Katayama Gunnie Vacha Mitsuo Katayama Yoshihiko Matsuo Eiichi Shimizu Carl Beck Summary: Fred has pulled lots of individual strings together, rolled them into a single ball - and got the ball rolling. This has been a huge task that has taken a major investment of his time; and its a huge accomplishment to say the least. Lots of people have great ideas, few like Fred turn them into reality. He has established a vision of the DHM and ask a core group of people to help him more fully define that vision, do some initial planing and organizing and in effect move that ball forward to the next stage of development. Various options/plans are being discussed related to the final location of the DHM, initial efforts to define its content and scope are underway. All too preliminary and too numerous to go into at this point.. A thousand details have yet to be determined - as things progress a little farther, I'll try to keep you all informed... In the meantime - like Bob said - go to E-Bay and put your money down. It wil help fund the initial stage - and we'll be back at you when the massive fund raising starts ;-) FWIW, Carl B.
  5. You can watch the C-Span broadcast hearings I outlined here: http://www.c-spanarchives.org/library/index.php?main_page=product_video_info&products_id=205931-1 see if your perception is the same as mine... Takes one and half hours... Carl B.
  6. Watch this: Basically the same thing that Congress was told... FWIW, Carl B.
  7. Order them from your Nissan Parts Dept - yes use the Turbo Head Bolts. One of the few things that happen to the L series engines is blown headgaskets - so maintaining proper torque on the head bolts is critical... FWIW, Carl B.
  8. Did any of you watch the "House Energy and Global Warming Committee" hearings last week on C-Span? The subject was "Oil Supply and Demand". Every American should be watching these hearings - they are simply AMAZING... I'll give my recap: Five panel witnesses... all recognized experts in their fields. From Major Universities, Think Tanks, and even an investment banker. All pretty much either said the same thing, or give testimony that supported one another's facts, statements of facts or positions. The single exception was the representative from the Sierra Club - who did not refute any of the sworn testimony - but simply did not want to drill for oil anywhere, nor build nuclear energy plants anywhere, nor build refineries anywhere, etc etc. All that testified agreed that: - we (the USA) have plenty of oil, coal, natural gas etc. etc. - we can't expect OPEC to drill for more oil, or produce more when we refuse to do so ourselves. - speculation is driving prices up currently, but it's a bubble that will burst... all agreed that the laws passed during the Clinton Administration, should be reversed - to limit the speculators again. - about 20% of our imported oil comes from the OPEC producers ... 80% from friendly countries like Canada and Mexico etc. Imported oil accounts for about 45% of our use, so OPEC accounts for about 9% of our import oil. - all agreed that the US needs no one single answer - we should be doing everything.. building nuclear power plants, using Wind and Solar, drilling our shale oil in Montana, opening up Alaska, drilling off shore (the Cuban's are already 45 miles off the coast of Miami, and so are the Chinese). Using energy more efficiently and conserving where-ever we can. - all agreed that the US has enough domestic supply of oil, coal and natural gas to supply our current energy demand for about 100 years. -All agreed that our biggest problem is politics in Washington DC. Two of the witnesses stated that bluntly, openly and honestly to the Representatives on the Committee!! I've never seen that happen as directly in any House or Senate Committee Hearings - IT WAS AMAZING!! HATS OFF TO: Amy Mayer Jaffe of Rice University and Ms. Hubbert of the 21st Century Energy Committee. They had the BALLS to tell it like it is, in sworn testimony!! They said both Democrat and Republican alike were causing our current PAIN and it MOST STOP!!. - All agreed that there are NO US OIL COMPANIES... only Global Corporations finding and recovering oil where-ever it is the least expensive for THEM. Our laws, passed for political reasons, make it VERY Expensive to operate in the US. That means a huge outflow of US Dollars to countries around the world... rather than circulating here in the US Economy. - All seemed aware that while global average temp's had gone up over the past 30 years - they also all knew that the average temps had not gone up at all over the past eight years... Though-out the hearings - the Chairman of the Committee, seemed to completely ignore all/any sworn testimony related to facts - and every statement out of his mouth simply repeated the Political Propaganda and Slogans his party outlined as talking points... Presented with fact and figures, compiled by the Countries leading Geologists and Scientists, from the Countries leading Universities and Research Lab.'s - - that proved the Chairman's statements completely wrong - he still kept repeating them - and bashing the "current administration"... Even when told that laws passed during the Clinton Administration were far more favorable to the Oil Companies and Wall Street... I'm telling you - his performance was absolutely sickening.... Rep. Markey from MA. IMHO if the people that elected him had watched this they would throw him out of office... The only "Problem" we have is the politicians in D.C. - all of them... FWIW, Carl B.
  9. curtis 240z: Can you show us a picture of your rear quarters. Maybe it would be less costly to get a body man that can fix yours - rather than simply replace them with very expensive NOS sheetmetal. FWIW, Carl B.
  10. Having them, and having them for sale is not quite the same thing. Are you SELLING?? Carl B.
  11. What or where is "Ballina"?? New rear quarters are $2,800.00 apiece -are you sure you can't fix the one's you have? FWIW Carl B.
  12. Re-check the valve adjustment on that cylinder - first time through you may have one that slipped out of adjustment... If everything is OK on the valve adjustment - run a compression test. It is possible to have a small piece of carbon stuck to the exhaust valve - holding it open. It is very very rare to have a valve stick and get hit by the piston in an original, stock, never milled head - L24 with 123K miles on it, let alone 23K miles... Something else is going on more than likely. Could be a blown head gasket... a bad spark plug (very rare but it happens).. keep looking... Carl B.
  13. The single biggest problem with driving a 240-Z on longer road trips - is finding a passenger that you want to share a road trip with, who will let you do ALL the driving, without bitching about how fast your going!! ;-) Always glad to hear from others that have used their 240-Z in a Grand Touring mode... They are simply amazing cars. I've covered all 48 lower States and a lot of Canada in my 240-Z's over the past 38 years. No matter how good the camera, all you can hope to capture are a few visual records, that remind you of the actual event. The US and Canada have breathtaking scenic beauty and it is not only visual - but must be experienced by all the senses to really be appreciated. The amazingly clean, crisp mountain air at noon, or the heavy warmth of driving through the clouds in the morning. The smell of wheat fields rolling almost forever through the mid-West, the smell of thousands of acres of corn fields, the smell of fresh cut hay... Camp out a few nights, spend a few nights at good hotels. Take the time to drink the local water, brew fresh coffee at dawn in the mountains and watch the sun rise. Come home after covering several States in a week or two... and you will have a whole different perspective on personal freedom and the natural as well as man made wonders of the US and Canada. FWIW, Carl B.
  14. Hi Mike: Yes - I'd put them back in. They seem to be pretty rare and gives you yet another talking point to show people on such a rare Z Car. I have pictures of about 20 69 Production Year cars - and so far only two have the longer luggage straps with the buckle. Looks like Ron found one also... FWIW, Carl B.
  15. I can't find videos on that Page - where are they, or how does one access them?? Carl B.
  16. HLS30 00240 has the long buckle straps Build 11/69 FWIW, Carl B.
  17. OK - so we've talked about some the various "problems"... be they Global Warming, CO2, Political Propaganda, Junk Science, Deforestation, Oil Shortages or not, etc etc. etc. What could we actually do about them all? What is the solution to our present quandary? Any system that is thrown out of balance by some outside force, if it keeps running, it seeks to either right itself (re-balance), or it shakes itself to destruction. At present we Americans are shaking ourselves to destruction. I believe it is past time we re-balanced ourselves. We have to retake control of our governments at all levels - city, state, federal. We need to retake control from the big money interests, the big government interests, and the big Political Party interests. The three work hand in hand to enhance one anothers positions - at the expense of we the people. It is quite easy to regain people power - in our Representative form of Democracy. For the next eight or twelve election cycles we all show up at the Poles - and vote the incumbents out of office. Yes, send them home to live under the laws they passed and live with the decisions they made while they were representing US. Simply refuse to accept the Political Propaganda, refuse the rational arguments from the silver tongues of the saviors... Throw the Politicians and their buddies out - That action alone - throw the incumbents out - time and time again - would quickly negate the effects of huge campaign contributions, negate the effects of paid lobby efforts, negate the effects of politically slanted media. It would destroy the Political Parties "seniority systems" which reward staying in office, more than they reward caring for the citizens of the Nation or the Nation itself. Wake up Americans - you are daily being sold down stream without a paddle.. while the professional Politicians smile and kiss you good-by. Cloaked as Young/Old, Black/White, Rich/Poor, Liberal/Conservative, Democrat/Republican - the heart and mind of the Professional Politician is the same - the driving need to gain and control Power - and reap the rewards that come with it personally. Representing your fellow Citizens best interests should again be an Honor of brief duration - it should never be allowed to become a career. When "Politics" is your career - retaining and yielding Political Power is your goal. Money and the Special Interests that contribute the most of it - is the path to the Professional Politicians Personal Goals... Money to spew Political Propaganda, money to manipulate the media, Power to reward your supporters and punish any decent. We all know that Money and Power is the present game - we are about to find out just how much it is going to cost us to watch the big boys play. Red States/Blue States?? are we all morons? Today about 30% of the voting population have begun to realize that neither Political Party represents them. They have registered as Independent Voters. We need to get about 60% of the voters to consistently throw the incumbents out of office at every level - for a period of at least several years. That alone would purge most of the corruption, negate the effects of Big Money, negate the Power of the major Political Parties - and put Citizens back in charge of representing their fellow Citizens and our Nation. Serving your fellow citizens with one term in elected office - should be viewed as the same as serving your fellow citizens with one term in the military, one term in the Peace Corp etc... We can put Statesman, back in our State House, back in our Federal Government... Eliminate the Professional Politicians - and we might get really good minds back to work for us. At that point - "We the People of the United States of America" - will have some meaning again. Until then, bend over and get the K Y Jelly ready... Representative Democracy works - only when the Citizens are smart enough make it work. Just my perspective... FWIW, Carl B.
  18. While the 1979 280ZX-R has an interesting place in DATSUN/NISSAN racing history - it really is not a highly sought after Classic, Collectible or Special Interest car. From a "Collector" perspective - a pure stock, all original, extremely low mileage example (less than 10K miles) "might" be interesting enough to have - anything less than pure original perfection would be passed. At present a near perfect, all original, as it left the showroom floor example "might" bring a bit over $10K - IF you were lucky enough to have to interested parties bidding against one another. The 280ZX - had a focus on Xtra LuXury. The 280ZX-R was a stripped down, basic slick top coupe, lacking the very luxury items that drive the price of say the 1980 10th Anniversary Edition 280ZX. As such the 280ZX-R's are not really in demand. My best advice - look for a lower mileage, better cared for 280ZX. Pay a bit more up front if you must, and you'll put far less into it in total. The 280ZX's are really great cars, but you have to love them for what they are - - far more luxurious Sports/GT's than the first generation Z's. good luck, Carl B.
  19. Thanks Steve: IMHO - Charles Krauthammer is one of the clearest thinking, most rational and most intelligent columnists you will find today. Everyone should read his entire column at the link xray posted. It is significant to also note his reference to Czech President Vaclav Klaus statement; - “The largest threat to freedom, democracy, the market economy and prosperity, is no longer socialism. It is, instead, the ambitious, arrogant, unscrupulous ideology of environmentalism.” President Klaus is a man that has seen first hand, the ravages of central government social control. FWIW, Carl B.
  20. A "Fuel Cell" as applied to this discussion - converts a specific fuel, chemically and directly to electrical energy. That electrical energy is then used to drive an electric motor, that drives a vehicle. It takes more electrical energy to free the hydrogen from H2O, than you can get back out of a hydrogen fuel cell. The use of the fuel cell is simply a way of storing, or carrying a fuel supply with you... To convert our vehicles to hydrogen fuel cell technology - we would have to generate the original electrical energy from nuclear power plants - that is at present the only clean, efficient method of producing enough electrical energy in the first place. If we want/need electric cars running on Fuel Cells - the first step is building several hundred additional nuclear power plants here in the US. At present France gets about 80% of their electrical power from nuclear power plants - IMHO if France can do it - so can we. The second step would be to convert "gasoline filling stations" to "hydrogen refueling stations"... no small task... FWIW, Carl B.
  21. Please tell me where you are buying "racing fuel" for $1 more than regular!! I'll take a thousand gallons! Racing Fuel (110 octane) around here is now $8.75 per gallon, and soon to be closer to $10.00. 100 octane aviation fuel is $7.75 and going up - that by the way is not "racing fuel". Just a little aside.... FWIW Carl B.
  22. Writing for the New York Times - about as "green" and liberal rag as you can find, OP-ED Columnist Paul Krugman wrote: "........... Where the effects of bad policy are clearest, however, is in the rise of demon ethanol and other biofuels. The subsidized conversion of crops into fuel was supposed to promote energy independence and help limit global warming. But this promise was, as Time magazine bluntly put it, a “scam.” This is especially true of corn ethanol: even on optimistic estimates, producing a gallon of ethanol from corn uses most of the energy the gallon contains. But it turns out that even seemingly “good” biofuel policies, like Brazil’s use of ethanol from sugar cane, accelerate the pace of climate change by promoting deforestation. And meanwhile, land used to grow biofuel feedstock is land not available to grow food, so subsidies to biofuels are a major factor in the food crisis. You might put it this way: people are starving in Africa so that American politicians can court votes in farm states. Oh, and in case you’re wondering: all the remaining presidential contenders are terrible on this issue. One more thing: one reason the food crisis has gotten so severe, so fast, is that major players in the grain market grew complacent. Governments and private grain dealers used to hold large inventories in normal times, just in case a bad harvest created a sudden shortage. Over the years, however, these precautionary inventories were allowed to shrink, mainly because everyone came to believe that countries suffering crop failures could always import the food they needed. This left the world food balance highly vulnerable to a crisis affecting many countries at once — in much the same way that the marketing of complex financial securities, which was supposed to diversify away risk, left world financial markets highly vulnerable to a systemwide shock. What should be done? The most immediate need is more aid to people in distress: the U.N.’s World Food Program put out a desperate appeal for more funds. We also need a pushback against biofuels, which turn out to have been a terrible mistake. But it’s not clear how much can be done. Cheap food, like cheap oil, may be a thing of the past. " You can read the entire column at: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/04/07/opinion/07krugman.html?_r=1&hp&oref=slogin When people like Mr. Krugman start to tell you that bio-fuels are a bad deal - it's time to take notice! This is no Right-wing mouthpiece!! How About the UN? United Nations secretary-general Ban Ki-moon is concerned about the threat of a world food shortage, saying action must be taken quickly, otherwise there will be unrest on an unprecedented scale. "Prices have soared for a number of reasons - high fuel costs, bad weather in key food producing countries like Australia, the increase in land allocated to bio-fuels, and a surge in demand, much of it from the rising middle classes of China and India." See: http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/04/30/2231223.htm?section=world FWIW Carl B.
  23. - - - - - - - - - - - - - Nissan's Definition Of Terms: To end confusion, the terms "vapor lock", "percolation" and "vacuum break" are defined here. VAPOR LOCK: Vapor lock causes a LEANER than normal air-fuel mixture. It affects the suction side of the mechanical fuel pump. The gasoline vapor-liquid ratio in the fuel line becomes greater than the fuel pump is able to handle. The fuel pump sends less fuel to the carburetor, causing a lean fuel-air mixture. PERCOLATION: Percolation causes a RICHER than normal air-fuel mixture. It affects the carburetor float bowl, and the high pressure fuel line (the outlet side of the fuel pump), and may cause hot starting problems. Percolation can come about in several ways: 1. Heat soak-back into the fuel pump and high pressure fuel line can raise the line pressure enough to unseat the float bowl needle valve. This condition is known as "after-fill". 2. Float bowl evaporation may lower the float level while there is residual pressure in the fuel line. This pressure then forces an excess amout of fuel into the float bowl. 3. Fuel evaporates in the float bowl, and the resulting vapor pressure may not vent out quickly enough. The high pressure developed in the float bowl forces liquid fuel into the intake manifold. VACUUM BREAK (73 carb.s...cjb) When the choke is closed (except for the small air gap) and the engine starts, the vacuum created by the engine starting will try to completely shut the choke valve. This vacuum is broken by the vacuum break diaphragm, which holds the choke open a small amount. The vacuum break diaphragm operates by manifold vacuum and is connected to the choke valve by linkage. - - - - - - - - - - - hummm.. Just FYI FWIW, Carl B.
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