Hi Ruffy: Welcome to the group and the Z Car Community. I believe that everyone here will agree - it's your Z and you can do what you want. Past that point if you put a subject up for discussion, we'll all give you our best advice or honest input. It is a Series I car - and if it is in otherwise solid shape - - - I'd spend the money on stock looking floor pans. Presently Street Mod'ed or not, it is a Classic Car. Stock floor pans properly installed will increase the resale value and make it far easier to resell - if/when you want to. On these older Z's the floor pans are one of the first things prospective buyers will look at - and if they aren't right - most people looking to buy a 240Z will just pass it by, or they will discount its value by several thousand dollars. On the other hand, if you are thinking of maybe a big V8, with a roll cage and tubbed out rear... well then the floor pans won't matter. FWIW, Carl B.