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Carl Beck

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Everything posted by Carl Beck

  1. There are none so blind....:stupid: FWIW, Carl B.
  2. Does your Insurance Policy say that they will only pay Kelly Blue Book? Or does it say "actual cash value" or "ACV". If it says actual cash value take them to small claims court - you don't need a lawyer there - and chances are very good -that if you present cars of equal condition currently advertised for sale - at much higher prices - the Judge will award you far more than $500.00. Especially if you have current receipts for work done on the car. If it really pisses you off - take them to Court... you really don't have anything to lose..And to avoid Court they may offer significantly more right up front. You have to notify them and then go file the papers at the Small Claims Court.. FWIW, Carl B.
  3. Yes - looks like they need more curve.. so they don't wrinkle.. The DATSUN needs more of a curve to it.. I thought you said the type face/font would be just like the originals... FWIW, Carl B.
  4. Yes - and then you said "however not on anyone's list yet"... #87 and #89 are also 12/69 build dates. Engine numbers in the 69 Z's found so far range from L24-2079 to L24-3198. The engines seem to be pretty well mixed among the VIN's. Keep in mind that the L24 was also used in other sedans, even before the 240Z. I have #79 as the earliest listed with Blue/Blue. Of course we only have about 160 of the first 500 found so far. According to Nissan TS70-28 the switch to the eight counter weighted cranks took place at L24-3607. FWIW, Carl B.
  5. crucial - no. I believe that they are there more to provide an even distribution of load along the rather thin lip - than to actually reinforce the pan itself. The pan bolts take very little torque - and most people don't have inch/pound torque wrenches - so it's easy to over tighten, or tighten unevenly the pan bolts - which can result in leaks. Years ago - BRE sold a stud kit - to replace the pan bolts. So you could lock the studs in the block with LocTight. Then they used nila-lock aircraft type nuts - along with a rubber pan gasket. It made R&R'ing the pan a breeze - and eliminated any leaks/seeps.. FWIW, Carl B.
  6. The reinforcements go over the outside lip of the oil pan - not between the pan and block. They are just shown above the pan so you can see them. It wouldn't surprise me if they were never put on a 09/70 car. FWIW, Carl B.
  7. It's on my list Lonny! I've been keeping records for every Datsun 240Z that I could gather more or less complete information on - for about 20 years now. If I could get the Build Date, the Original Engine Serial Number, original Color along with the VIN - or any combination complete or not - I recorded the VIN on my own private listing. My goal was simple research - I wanted to see how the VIN's lined up with the Build Dates, and now the Build Dates lined up with the original engine numbers. I also wanted a statistical sample to work with... So far I have just over 400 Series I cars listed... Some are on the Public Register, but most are not. FWIW, Carl B.
  8. Ok - so have business size cards made up - on one side it will say "Cars & Coffee" with your phone number, a mini-map of the location and the Day and Time.... On the other side it will say, Present this and enjoy a Free Cup of Dunkin-Donuts Coffee with your choice of Donut. The business card should be something that gets their attention WE WOULD LOVE TO SEE YOUR CAR At Our Cars & Coffee Gathering Third Saturday Of Every Month Printed over some Show Car as a background or whatever.... These then are given out by the team at Car Shows / Races as you meet the owners of these special cars and talk to them. Meeting them personally and talking to them is very important - just leaving the cards on cars is not very effective... Cars & Coffee is really all about getting a bunch of car guys together.. At the sign up table - you can give everyone that brings a car and signs up - a couple of business cards to pass out themselves to others that they know or meet... Plan on sticking to it for a year or more.... FWIW, Carl B.
  9. It's held the Third Saturday of every month. Mostly built by word of mouth. One "car guy" tells another and encourages him to bring his car out... Cars range from million dollar Ferraris to restored VW Beatles. Muscle Cars, Street Rods, Sports Cars. Sometimes a local club of some marque will get ten or more of their members to all meet there.. Here, you almost have to get there a bit early to have a parking space. Most people that I've talked to have said they "remember" that they wanted to go - about 1 out of 3 months. Everyone is so busy these days - it is very helpful if you have a few guys that will volunteer to run a a Phone Tree - calling people Thursday or Friday night - just to remind them before that Saturday morning. You definitely want to have a "Sign-In Sheet" at a Welcome Table... so that you get people's Name, Type of Vehicle, E-Mail and Phone numbers. A phone call and/or an E-mail reminding people that the Cars & Coffee is this Saturday... really increases the turn out. A reminder E-Mail at the beginning of the week before the Saturday - lets people get their cars ready for Saturday. It takes three or four guys to really make it happen and keep it going. They have to assure that when new people show up - they are made to feel welcome, paid attention too, taken around and introduced to others etc etc. They also have to attend all manor of Car Shows and Races, to meet people and encourage them to turn out on Saturday morning. {that's how I got invited, encouraged etc} We are very lucky - We hold ours here in Clearwater/St. Petersburg at the offices of the duPont Registry. Mr. duPont has his collection open during that time - so everyone is welcome to see his cars as well. Good luck... Carl
  10. Ah.. date, time, place and COFFEE... Someone has to be there with lots of coffee ready. Here in Clearwater there is a Starbucks Van there for every meet... Ours runs from 7:00AM to 9:00AM and the turn out is always amazing.. FWIW, Carl B.
  11. I knew that there were some pictures of the 240Z that Jim did for his brother... It wasn't 51/52.. that was another car.. It was #00332 and there are pictures of it on the Suncoast Z Car Club's site See: http://www.suncoastzcarclub.com/files/Memberz/JimFrederick/vin332/vin332.htm FWIW, Carl B.
  12. Oh I should add - at the Dealerships - that we saw cars built 01/70 that had both the vents on the rear quarter and still had the Series I rear decks with the vents.. But we never saw any cars with different quarters on either side of the car... FWIW, Carl B.
  13. Series I have the Fresh Air vents in the deck lid. For the Series II cars the fresh air vents were moved from the rear deck to the quarter panels. Series I cars have a 240Z script on the quarter panels - with no vent holes. The Series II cars had a round emblem on the quarter panels - with a little Z in the center - the emblems are not solid - they let the air out of a hole in the quarter panel. Yes - that was what was throwing me off - but now that I see the VIN's they are both Series I cars - could be someone changed the rear quarter on that one car - or many be just the emblem... FWIW, Carl
  14. Ok - thanks Darrel.... Title #1 says HLS3011989 1971 = = 10/70 Title #2 says HLS3016914 1971 = = 12/70 In the 50's, 60's and into the very early 70's - - many Countries around the world sold/titled cars based on when they were actually produced. In effect they did not have "Model Years", but rather used Calendar Year of production to identify the cars. In both cases above if a traditional American Car Dealership acquired a Datsun Franchise to add to their Dealership - they would have most likely titled both cars as "1971 Model Year" vehicles. Because traditionally new Models were put on sale in Sept. or Oct. of the prior year. If on the other hand a traditional Import Car Dealership acquired a Datsun Franchise - they could quite easily have sold/titled them as 1970 Datsun 240Z's. Because most imports made model changes in step with Calendar Year changes. As the US Federal Government got involved with mandated Safety and Emissions standards being implemented by certain dates... all the car manufactures adjusted their model changes to be more or less in line - - - So by the 72 Model Year - Nissan was making model changes necessary to sell cars here in the Sept. time frame... for the following year. FWIW, Carl B.
  15. I would expect to pay $175.00 to $250.00 for a 5 spd. worth rebuilding. Then $550.00 to $650.00 to have one professionally and completely rebuilt. Depends on where you are... to some extent. FWIW, Carl B.
  16. The Series I cars have the solid spoke steering wheels the Series II had the slotted. They had to weaken the spokes, so the steering wheel would collapse more easily to meet the safety standards for 71. It will be interesting to see what the VIN's are on the cars... FWIW, Carl B.
  17. Amazing... A Series I and Series II {maybe} - both Green, both with OEM steel wheels!! From the pictures it looks like the Series I is quite restorable.. the Series II seems to be missing its engine. Something is out of wack with the images. In the first picture the Series I seems to have a jack under the front with the tires on plywood. Looking at the Left side of the car... Then the second pictures shows the left side of another Series I - the one sitting in the background of the first picture.. At that point they both seem to be Series I cars.... Then in the third pictures - we see a Series II Right Rear Quarter on the car that is jacket up.. It will be interesting to see what you really have there... No question that they are worth getting and no question they are worth $300.00 - - - I'd have grabbed that deal in a heart beat. FWIW, Carl B.
  18. H = L24 engine L = Left Hand Drive S30 = Sports Coupe Body How they got titled - was determined by the Dealership when they submitted the Manufacturers Statement of Origin to the DMV and requested a State Automobile Title be issued. If the Dealer said it was a 70 then it is titled as such, if the Dealer said it was a 71 then it is titled as such. Most dealers sold/titled cars based on when they received them into inventory and when they sold them to the public. FWIW, Carl B.
  19. Hi Jeff: All first generation Z's are things of beauty - some are only waiting for the right person to come along and give them a "make-over"... It's always fun to see them "before" and "after". If your Z is running - there is nothing to be embarassed about. FWIW, Carl B.
  20. To answer your question - Yes - it's Jim Frederick... just like his real name. FWIW, Carl B.
  21. Hi David: Jim Frederick is just another one of us Classic Z Car enthusiasts. For that matter Jim and his brother are both in that group. By profession Jim owns an Insurance Agency in Lutz, Florida. He also handles Hagerty for Classic and Collector Automobiles in case anyone needs. Jim Frederick Frederick Insurance Agency 17874 N US Hwy 41 Lutz, FL 33549 813-949-3398 office 813-949-9628 fax Since the early to mid 80's he has been dragging Datsun 240Z's home and either refreshing or completely restoring them himself. Although he sends the paint and body work to professionals. He's done so many over the years I've lost count and I'll bet he has too. One main interest has always been the 1969 Production Year examples. So when HLS30 00016 became available several years ago - of course it was added to the collection. His Collection has evolved over the years from being cars he refreshed or which he fully restored; to include some very nice, exceptionally low mileage examples he purchased - that simply needed some detailing to be exceptional. Then he started adding some of the Vintage Z's {he now has 7 of the 37 known}... Oh yes - and then there is the the convertible conversion with the L28ET and a 70 Fairlady Z as well. Of course in the mean time, this all required ever more garage space - so he had a 40 x 60 garage built several years ago. Although as Clive mentioned - HLS30 00019 is still in the garage on the house. Yes - but "who is he?"..... Like most of us the Classic Z's are just a hobby but Jim did restore a couple of 240Z's for other people. {does that make him a Professional?} One Original Owner that I knew ... had Jim restore his, but this is something Jim said he'd never do again!! By the time it was all done - I doubt he averaged minimum wage on the project, but the owner was very pleased with the result to say the least - even if he did spend two to three times his original planned budget !! {pictures below - the black but really silver car } He also restored his brothers 69 production car... but that is a whole different story. Jim actually bought the car from his brother, in all but completely ragged out condition - after his brother finished college - then fully restored it and gave it back to his brother. If you lose that much money, I guess you can't be called a "professional restorer"....:stupid: I would say that there isn't much about these Classic Z Cars that Jim doesn't have lots of hands-on time with, nor area's that he doesn't have an extensive knowledge of. We all know that his next "project" will be to build the second 40'x60'... FWIW, Carl B. The first pictures shows Ken's Z as it was being disassembled at Jim's. The second pictures shows the front as it was going back together. The third pictures shows Ken's Silver Z and Jim's brothers Dark Green 69 - as I recall it was HLS30 00052 or 51 .... I have pictures of them finished somewhere..
  22. Disconnect the choke cables - push the chokes completely off by hand - to make sure the cables aren't holding the chokes on. FWIW, Carl B.
  23. Hi Jeffrey:

    Before 5/16/99 - I had thought that Bob Sharp got #8 - but then Bob Speckman sent me an e-mail to set the record straight. I'm sure I corrected the info on the Z Car Home Page very shortly after hearing from Bob.

    I haven't found any pictures of the car - that Dr. Bork didn't send. I'm sure there are some out there on the Web somewhere.



  24. Why don't we start "the BEST 10 LISTS LIST ? FWIW, Carl B.
  25. Hi Seth: A friend of mine is in Albuquerque, NM.. he has a couple 240Z's, and he is on this forum... maybe he'll see your Post.. Remember that it is the FUN of doing all this that is the goal - so take your time and enjoy every hour... I've seen this on dog legs... do you plan on going back to remove that lip or what? Is it sticking out because you didn't remove the original lip? FWIW, Carl B.
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