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Everything posted by George_Zed

  1. George_Zed replied to siteunseen's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    Someone must be banned from this forum
  2. George_Zed replied to siteunseen's post in a topic in Body & Paint
    You know I hate you right???
  3. George_Zed replied to blodi's post in a topic in Introductions
    very nice
  4. Thanks Chickenman
  5. Thanks a lot Zed Head
  6. I haven't heard of John Williams before, I am new to the Z community, but I am very sad to read about his death...seen Blue's link I understand he was indeed very important to the Z's world... he was really young... many people die around us... we make the mistake to take life for granted my thoughts to his family...
  7. ok, I thought I finished with my questions but apparently I am not with the 280zx distributor and the 8202K MSD Blaster 2 coil (and no ballast resistor), I will probably need to change the spark plugs and plug wires too... right? or it isn't necessary? I haven't checked which spark plugs and plug wires has the car now, but I read that I should have the NGK BR6ES-11 spark plugs and maybe some NGK plug wires too...or a different make? which plug wires are the best fit for this setup? and am I right to go with spark plugs BR6ES-11 or is it better to choose the BPR6ES-11? From what I read the first one is what most of you use with 280zx distributors... but the weird thing is that in few stores online these spark plugs does not fit our cars...??? And in http://datsunzgarage.com/engine it says the second with the "p"... edit: I checked a bit online... The NGK Ignition wire set NE61 seems to be ok... but I need some confirmation from the experts here
  8. Thank you all for your help!!! I will let you know when I install and adjust my distributor
  9. I don't know about 1971 models but I bought the Centric wheel cylinders from Rockauto for my 1973 240z and fitment is perfect. I kept my original ones for future use with a rebuilt kit Why don't you just buy a rebuilt kit?
  10. 1,70 euro in Greece... I want to cry like the Dutch friend above... but if I compare wages in Greece vs Netherlands... I will probably kill myself!!! so, I am not going to do it... :)
  11. thank you so much Chickenman the information you shared with us is very detailed and helpful!!! I will let you all know when I finish... It is obvious now that I will go for the canister adjustment (decrease to 18) and increase the initial timing... About the initial timing... in order to adjust it to get it to15 degrees... I do this just by changing the distributor's position right? Of course I will have a timing light when doing all these adjustments... sorry for asking, but 15 initial + 17 mechanical + 18 Vacuum = 50 isn't too much? Or I missed something here? oh yes, I missed that total advanc is inital+mechanical (I thought total was all three together... so it will be 32 which is good... and then a 15-20 degrees of vacuum is needed...
  12. Nice... I haven't tried to remove the advance canister yet, didn't have time to work with my distributor, but I will let you know when I do it if the breaker plate moves in order to continue with the vacuum advance adjustment...
  13. you are doing an amazing job there... thanks for sharing with us
  14. Thanks Zed Head but the distributor is not on the engine now, I am just gathering information to proceed. Thanks for the info though, I will have this in mind when I install my distributor Now the big question is if the advance canisters I found above match the distributor I have... If I can't find someone who already done this, I will go for Blue's other suggestion and modify the canister...
  15. Thanks for your kind words Blue I think that the best way and more reliable to me from the choices you gave me, is swap the advance canister to another canister... I looked at the distributor advance curve attached in this topic and found that the ideal I need is the distributors D6K9-09 and D6K8-06 from 1980 and 1979 automatic 280zx models... The advance canister I found for them has the part number 22301-P8106 for the D6K9-09 and 22301-N7705 for the D6K8-06 distributor... I found these part numbers in http://www.nissanpartszone.com/parts-list/1979-nissan-280zx/distributor.html May be I am right, but may be I am wrong... If someone has knowledge of this, he is more than welcome to share with us I will continue the research though till I am sure about it yet
  16. I asked for advice and solution and you gave me!!! Thank you so much Blue for your help and patience
  17. They look amazing!!! I am so jealous...!!! Well done for your choice and your Z...
  18. Thank you so much Blue for making things more simple for me But I haven't finished (please be nice to me hahaha ) So, can I do something for the starter issue? May be a bigger one or it doesn't make a difference? The most important and final question... Can I do something else and keep the VA? Is there another solution? Or this is the only way and I have to live with the fuel efficiency issue on cruising?
  19. thank you Blue for your reply I need to ask few questions though... 1. what do you mean by "buck" the starter? can't find appropriate translation for "buck" 2. I read about few disadvantages when vacuum advance is not used... "For peak engine performance, fuel mileage, driveability, idle cooling and efficiency in a street-driven car, you need vacuum advance" Is the above statement true? Is this the only way to use the distributor I have? Shouldn't be concerned on having a total advance of 36 which is lower than stock (40-43)? Forgive me if I make stupid questions... I am just a noobie with a 240z trying to fix / tune my Z
  20. I am sorry to ask a question in an old thread but I need your advice and it suits better here than opening a new thread... I saw the advance curve and I am bit worried... I have a 280zx distributor D6K82-01 which is in the red area... Can I use it but with specific guidelines (specific timing or sth else...) or it is better not to use it at all... ? I have a 73 240z with dual webers, I have the Distributor Mount Plate Base, E12-80 Conversion and I will use the 8202K MSD Blaster 2 Coil... please give me an advice...
  21. really nice job there!!! thanks for sharing
  22. George_Zed replied to Torby's post in a topic in Introductions
    maybe you say that they are not perfect but for the money spent they are perfect I had a price quote to get my wheels (14') professional chromed and it was €330 , so I could be happy with non so perfect polished wheels with the cost of few euros thanks for the info and congrats on your car!!!
  23. George_Zed replied to Torby's post in a topic in Introductions
    metal polish did this job? really interested!!! they came out great!!!if you want give us the product name too and how much did you use for all wheels... thanks a lot
  24. George_Zed replied to Torby's post in a topic in Introductions
    really nice work you have done to your Z!!! well done Torby!!! I wonder how you cleaned the wheels to have that chrome effect... I see the left side isn't chromed at all but the right is... did you do it yourself?
  25. George_Zed replied to George_Zed's post in a topic in Introductions
    Hey Luke , by neighbours I meant much closer than our US friends I would love to have my Z as a daily driver and drive it every day but road taxes for 2400cc cost a lot of money and the gas price is also high so the only way that I could own a Z is by declaring it as a historic car. But I can only drive it once or twice a week and not more.But at least I am not paying road taxes. Oh yes, I have a long and slow project... not much available time and strict budget but I will get there

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