I'm stumped. I own a '72 240Z, L24 series engine with twin SU's. When at idle, either when the engine is hot or cold, the idle will drop in RPM with a loss of engine power. If I rev the engine past 5000 RPM, this might or might not clear the problem (sometimes with a backfire). The same thing can happen while on the road. The 240Z runs like a hot rod, then at any given moment the RPM drops along with power. With the clutch in, a rev to above 5000 RPM might or might not clear out the problem. Things that I have done recently to remedy the issue, but with no success: * Service the fuel tank with a new liner. * Frequently change out the fuel filter. * Replaced the vacuum lines. * Check SU's damper oil. * Installed new fuel pump. With an backfire when rev'ing the engine, I am now suspecting an ignition issue. Could there be an issue with my distributor. Again, when there is no drop in RPM and power loss, the car runs like a rocket sled. Any suggestion you might have will be helpful. Thanks, Bryan