Everything posted by z_boi
shortening strut housings
do i get inserts that are made for 280's or do i get them according to the length i remove?
T5 swap assurance
im also lookin for a to do a 5 speed swap. preferably the t-5 but want to know more so i can figure out wat i want. does n e one noe if the drive shaft part is really ture or false?
offset question
never mind that last question
offset question
your not running coilovers right?
offset question
wondering if 17x8 with zero off set will fit under stock fenders
shortening strut housings
How do u shorten strut housings and what kind of inserts do u use after u shorten them?
offset question
Is the offset of rims measured from the mounting surface for front and back?
where can i get a rebuilt L28et?
Introduce yourself to the class?
My name is Canton and im 18. Born and raised in Oakland CA. I Just graduated from High school. Well. I never really planned on buying a z but i always thought that they were really nice looking cars. The car originally belonged to a friend of mine. He was getting rid of it so i decide to pick it up because he gave me a good price on it. Well. I've always had An intrest in cars and anything thats eiher mechanical or electrical. I was one of those kids that took his toys apart, but couldnt put it back together.:stupid: Im into the whole drifting scence so i plan to do some auto crossing and drifting with my Z. I now own a 76 and a 78 280. THe 76 is jus for parts. no motor or tranny. Not to much expereince workin on cars so im tryin and hoping i do break n e thing!
dual headlights
they look really nice on miatas because the miata has a flip up head light setup. But i dont think it'll look so great on a Z Just my opinion.
how to tell what ratio my diff is?
I just got an r200 from a 76 280. does anyone Know wat the ratio is? Or is the a way to find out?
t-5 how much work?
Wat would i have to do to get a t-5 into my 78 z?
my car has a strange wobble to it like one of the wheels were bent or somting. but wheni drive on the freeway, u cant really notice it. its when u drive slow that u notice it the most. what can it be?
dual exhuast?
I want an exhuast system that can flow very efficiant but i dont want it to be too loud. so i was thinking. since the larger pipe size makes it louder . than wouldn't rather than having one large pipe size. You have 2 smaller pipes be quieter. or it doesnt work that way? Correct me if im wrong about the ;ager pipe size being loader. not really sure about that.
Are the fenders the same exact size and shape?
Are the frobnt ends (fender headlight housing and lower valance) the same on the 240, 260 and 280?
- strut housing?
strut housing?
would putting 240 or 260 strut housings with coiler overs on a 280 give it more suspension traval? or is the only way to go: is to shorten my strut housings?
Why are cross-flows so rare?
is it possible to get one of these for myself? hehe..
Front Air Dam and Dash Cover (240)
how much u asking? and do u have n e pics of the air dam? and is it a full cap or jus half cap?
phantom grip lsd conversion
i want lsd but i dont have too much money too spend. so i was wondering if the phantom grip lsd conversion really works and how well if it does?
phantom grip lsd conversion
Do they work? if yes, how well do they work?
Just dreaming
Another obnoxious person messing with a Z
but y the front end??!?!!? the bak didnt bother me too much, but when i saw the front end. i was horrified!
West Coast Nationals 2003