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Mark Maras

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Everything posted by Mark Maras

  1. I'm a bit disappointed Biden didn't thank Trump for his part in the record voter turnout. He shouldn't have taken all the credit.
  2. Just used one of those HF blasters with walnut shells to decarbonize the intake valves and ports on our son's VW turbo. It worked great.
  3. I believe they're all the same. @siteunseen or anyone else what is recommended?
  4. We need clues. As much of the who, what, where, why, and when as you can provide. "The game is afoot".
  5. Was the throttle wide open during the compression test? If not, that would account for the low numbers. If it was wide open, I'd adjust the valves and test again.
  6. One possibility is back in the days of 327s, many old timers were still using non-detergent oil. If you didn't change the oil frequently, a massive amount of sludge would build up. I've seen it so thick that the head bolts were completely covered.
  7. @S30Driver Just curious. Do you know what the difference was in the 1st and 2nd year turbo distributors? If the caps were the same I'm assuming the change was either the dist. shaft diameter or the height or both.
  8. Interesting that you can raise the cap slightly and it runs better. I agree with ZH's advice about being sure the rotor is seated. I also wonder about gear wear that would allow the distributor shaft to raise the rotor slightly. Try grabbing the installed rotor and try raising it and the distributor shaft. While lifting it allow it to twist one way or another to get maximum height. There should be very little vertical motion in the distributor shaft.
  9. Mark Maras

    Cody's Goon

    I think the third pic is correct.
  10. How many extension cords do you have?
  11. @jalexquijanoOn this site search "valve guide seals". DAVEWM (as well as others) have good descriptions of the procedure to change the valve seals. You only have to remove one valve spring, #4 intake. Stuffing the cylinder with rope, using the valve spring compressor shown earlier in this thread, remove the valve spring retainer, lower the valve slightly, rock the stem back and forth to try to gauge the guide wear. If there is little to no sideways movement between the valve stem and the guide, use a straw to install the new (you'll probably have to buy a whole set to get one) seal and reassemble the spring. If there's considerable sideways motion of the valve stem, the head will probably have to be removed to repair that guide. Once again, before you buy a spring compressor and a set of seals, do your homework. Search this site and probably YouTube too. They have lots of videos. Should you decide to go ahead, you'll have the cost of a valve spring compressor, a set of valve seals and maybe a valve cover gasket. You might also check to see what a local shop would charge to inspect and change that one valve seal.
  12. YouTube. Search, 240z valve seals. Pics of what you find would be helpful.
  13. Concentrate on the float levels (primary mixture adjustment) and balancing the carbs first.
  14. Sounds like gas-lighting to me. I'd pull the valve cover and look carefully at the valve seals. A good light should help when looking between the spring coils. Compare #4 with the rest and see if you can see any difference between them. I'd be looking for a torn or distorted top of a valve seal or one that may not be pushed down all the way.
  15. I doubt that the PCV is causing the fouled plug. The PCV is just a one way valve. Shake it, can you hear it rattle, good. Now blow in each end. Blowing in one end will be impossible but the other end should free flow. If it's blocked either soak it in lacquer thinner or buy a new one.
  16. Although COVID19 spreads mostly through the nose and mouth, scientists now conclude the greatest risk comes from assholes.
  17. I had an interesting conversation with an old friend who wears a bandanna but can't (his words) wear a mask. When questioned about no mask he said he has panic attacks when he dons a mask. Knowing that he came from a screwy abusive family I asked him what his reaction would be if I came up behind him and put my hands over his nose and mouth? His reaction was OMG, don't ever do that I don't want to hurt you. He'd had that happen many times as a child to the point of passing out. As it turns out, his mask phobia may be caused by childhood trauma.
  18. Good advice above. You could also carry a can of starting fluid with you. When the engine dies, give it a shot and see if it starts.
  19. New valve seals and checking guide wear would be my next step. It's possible the #4 seal was damaged when it was installed.
  20. Back in the day, pulling a spring from the advance weights for quicker advance rate was a common tweek if you were going to spend the day at the track. Is it possible that the PO didn't reinstall it?
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