@jalexquijanoOn this site search "valve guide seals". DAVEWM (as well as others) have good descriptions of the procedure to change the valve seals. You only have to remove one valve spring, #4 intake. Stuffing the cylinder with rope, using the valve spring compressor shown earlier in this thread, remove the valve spring retainer, lower the valve slightly, rock the stem back and forth to try to gauge the guide wear. If there is little to no sideways movement between the valve stem and the guide, use a straw to install the new (you'll probably have to buy a whole set to get one) seal and reassemble the spring. If there's considerable sideways motion of the valve stem, the head will probably have to be removed to repair that guide. Once again, before you buy a spring compressor and a set of seals, do your homework. Search this site and probably YouTube too. They have lots of videos. Should you decide to go ahead, you'll have the cost of a valve spring compressor, a set of valve seals and maybe a valve cover gasket. You might also check to see what a local shop would charge to inspect and change that one valve seal.