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Mark Maras

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Everything posted by Mark Maras

  1. Lungs, brain, kidneys, are a few of the confirmed organs but they haven't discovered all the areas of the body this virus will attack yet. Another interesting area of research is the possibility that some blood types are more susceptible to Covid-19 than others. It has to do with the different antigens and antibodies in the various blood types. I'm O Positive which seems to have more immunity to C-19 than others. That said, I'm about 75% sure I had it in April. I'd had a lot of contact with the homeless in March, a few had been in the hospital with a pneumonia that had been going around throughout the winter. I woke up one morning to a lower backache that soon progressed to vicious muscle spasms. I thought OK, no big deal, I've been to this rodeo many times in the past. Normally it would take about a week to get back to some form of normality but into the second week the spasms were just as bad as week one. Then one morning I felt like I had been punched in the left kidney. My urine turned the color of diluted cola. (TMI?) That lasted about 2 days and went away. I didn't go to the Dr. because in April everyone was paranoid about going anywhere near a medical facility and the spasms were so bad I couldn't get into the car. I also had a minor nagging cough, 1/2 hour long spiking fevers, and general body aches. Long story short. the spasms and symptoms lasted almost 4 weeks. At the time I didn't really think I was sick enough to see a Dr. along with the philosophy of I'll either get over it or get used to it, if not I'll go see a Dr. The good news is, I got over it, I think. No more symptoms now other than my long term hip problem is worse, I feel like I got a royal as$ kicking and I'm not back to normal strength yet.
  2. If and when Trump loses the election, everyone else will be blamed, even the GOP that supported him up so they could forward their own docket. Basically it boils down to, I'll let you do what you want to do if you let me do what I want to do but if I don't get my way, screw you.
  3. My worst fear is a Uncivil War and Marshall Law to postpone an election would likely trigger it. It would dovetail into a Scorched Earth policy
  4. Not only them. We need to take a serious look at ALL leaders in our society and see what drives them. Usually it's fame and fortune, with a percentage of Public Service thrown in for good looks. The signs of Narcissism are lack of empathy, superiority, need for recognition, arrogance, paranoia, entitlement, fantasies of love power & success, exploitation, and admiration. Sound familiar? Everyone has experienced some of these, to some degree, in their life. The ones at the higher end of the spectrum, the ones who crave power in their adult life, are the very ones that should not be running anything that feeds their ego's need for power over others. the more their ego is fed the more they resemble Jabba the hutt.
  5. 1968, I remember it as the year my naivete balloon popped. I was 19. Nam, multiple childhood friends coming home in caskets, the draft, RFK, MLK, Kent State, and the Chicago Democratic National Convention all changed my view about world leaders and what drives them.
  6. I fear we're looking at the start of six months of a scorched earth policy driven by, If you won't let me play anymore, I'll fix it so no one can and it's all your fault.
  7. These politically motivated, inadequately trained (developing story) federal troops are too similar to Hitler's Brown Shirts in the late 1930s. Mercenaries (bullies) hired by the Head Narcissist to carry out the HIS wishes. If the bully tactics are going to start somewhere, there's a part of me that's glad it's in Portland. We can handle it. On the other hand, we know it's going to get worse before it gets better but we don't know how bad it's going to get. The next six months are going to be beastly. ✌️
  8. I do stay away from downtown these days because of Covid-19 and some physical limitations that prevent me from walking long distances otherwise I'd be there. Free speech is alive and well in Portland. If it gets a bit rowdy at times, it's because free speech and, at times, civil unrest are needed for change.
  9. "For some reason" isn't good enough for me. I'd want to know what specifically went wrong. Was the oil flow satisfactory when the cam was installed? I doubt it. The external oiler system works quite well if the tubes have not come loose from the mounting blocks or the oil holes haven't become restricted due to build-up of ? Tubes can be resoldered and the holes cleaned with a torch tip files.
  10. Along with Dept. of homeland Security we got Customs and Border Protection, the U.S. Marshals Service and the Federal Protection Service, all of whom were requested by the City of Portland according to our Great Pumpkin. For the record, they weren't asked by the city county or state. Their tactics, aside from the usual gas weaponry, shooting a non-threatening person in the face with a rubber bullet (broken eye socket) and multiple "arrests" by unmarked agents who cruise around in unmarked vans, who don't and won't identify themselves, who won't state the reason for the arrest, who ask that the "arrestee" waive his Miranda Rights and who let the arrestee go after 90 minutes with no charges filed and they say they won't leave! These protests were winding down until the Feds showed up and reminded everyone what the protests are all about.
  11. "You can't fix stupid" but "Natural Selection" can.
  12. 25 years ago (well, closer to 50 years for some of us) boats, blondes and beer WAS comfort. Staying home was agony. I can't imagine being cooped up these days if I was still a young man. All that adrenaline and testosterone going to waste. Not good.
  13. Do it in a DATSUN? Done it in a DATSUN!
  14. Florida reports over 15,000 new Covid-19 cases in a 24 hour period. If Florida was a country, they would rank in fourth place in the world for the most new cases in a single day behind the United States, Brazil and India. HUFFPOST.
  15. Has anyone asked BAT about the favoritism? My suspicious mind suspects something like a kick-back of funds to someone at BAT.
  16. I vote for original paint and fix the dings. It's identical to my first Z. Sigh.
  17. That kinked float bowl to fuel nozzle hose is going to be a problem. That hose needs to be super flexible (Ztherapy hoses are silicone). Normally the problem isn't in the fuel delivery to the nozzle. Stiff hoses will bind up the nozzles, preventing them from returning to the non-choke position (up) when the choke knob is forward (off). Looking at the pic again, You might be able to relieve some of the kink by reversing the hose.
  18. If I remember correctly @siteunseen has plugged those coolant lines.
  19. Co2/argon is my choice for shielding gas but pure co2 will work as well as the mix. I used it for years in one of my jobs. I've found there's a bit more splatter to clean up but the big plusses are the cost and you get more co2 in a bottle than co2/argon mix. It was explained to me by an employee of Airgas that when you add argon to co2, the gas will no longer compress into a liquid. Using argon/co2 you'll have less clean-up but higher costs.
  20. I'm going to assume the floats are set correctly and the mixture screws are about 2 1/2 turns down, correct me if I'm wrong. Try lifting both carb pistons and drop them at the same time. They should be very difficult to lift but should drop at a much faster rate. Both should feel the same when you lift them and they should land at the same time or nearly so. Compare the piston heights when it's idling, accelerating and at about 3000 rpms.
  21. The valve seals are known to go bad long before piston rings.
  22. Pull the sending unit and assess the amount of crust on it that may be preventing movement. Don't try to move it if it's stuck. Check it for electrical continuity with an ohm meter. If the circuit is good, soak the unit in CLR for a day or two until it comes out clean.
  23. You're correct that there were no Nissan dealers back then in the early 70s, however, there was a Nissan (factory) building in Beaverton, Oregon. I knew a fellow who worked there.
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