Does the engine rev freely when it's not under a load?
Patcon is right. That doesn't look like much fuel for a four minute run. A fuel pressure and volume test will rule out lack of fuel up to the carbs.
Any crud in the float bowl is bad. The crud can slosh it's way into the needle and seat, potentially, either partially plugging the fuel orifice Lack of fuel) or stop the needle valve from seating. (too much fuel) depending on the size of the crud. Be sure to remove and clean it. I'm curious if the floats have deteriorated to the point that they don't float at the proper height anymore. On the outside of the float lid, where the fuel line connects, clean the small (last chance) filter (fine screen) located in the banjo fitting. Check the float height, reset the mixture screws to 2 1/2 turns and fire it up.