Update on the disassembly. The topside is done. Underhood, interior (except for the two rusted rear bolts on the driver's seat), dash, heater box, foot pedals, hatch, doors, fender, glass (windshield is not avail. oops!) & wire harnesses are out. Quite a pile of goodys. Got a start on the bottom.
Dropped the tank. I expected to see solid rust, but instead it has some shiny bare steel very splattered with something that resembles tar. The bit of liquid (varnish) in the bottom is black and has some flat chunks of a lighter color something floating on it. Like the skin on an open paint can. I wonder if someone treated this tank in the past and the coating went bad. I don't know how else there could be any shiny steel visible. I'll get a pic and we can all guess what it is. Next, pull fuel and brake lines, a few odds and ends, then the suspension.