Sounds like fuel starvation to me. Not ruling out ignition but a plugged filter will restrict RPMs under load. A quick check to see if it's lack of fuel, rev the engine, in neutral, to 6000 RPMs, If it happily revs with no load, it's lack of fuel, Another interesting symptom is the car will go the same MPH in any gear & no higher, When it happened to me, all of a sudden the car would not go over 45 MPH. Second, third or fourth gear, 45 MPH. No engine miss, the engine ran fine, My dad was my riding mech. that day & immediately knew what it was, I was able to blow out the filter by the fire wall as a roadside fix, Start with all the fuel filters. Possibly one in front of the tank, another at the fire wall & one on each carb. Fuel pump pressure & volume is next. Hope this helps.