Lungs, brain, kidneys, are a few of the confirmed organs but they haven't discovered all the areas of the body this virus will attack yet. Another interesting area of research is the possibility that some blood types are more susceptible to Covid-19 than others. It has to do with the different antigens and antibodies in the various blood types. I'm O Positive which seems to have more immunity to C-19 than others.
That said, I'm about 75% sure I had it in April. I'd had a lot of contact with the homeless in March, a few had been in the hospital with a pneumonia that had been going around throughout the winter. I woke up one morning to a lower backache that soon progressed to vicious muscle spasms. I thought OK, no big deal, I've been to this rodeo many times in the past. Normally it would take about a week to get back to some form of normality but into the second week the spasms were just as bad as week one. Then one morning I felt like I had been punched in the left kidney. My urine turned the color of diluted cola. (TMI?) That lasted about 2 days and went away. I didn't go to the Dr. because in April everyone was paranoid about going anywhere near a medical facility and the spasms were so bad I couldn't get into the car. I also had a minor nagging cough, 1/2 hour long spiking fevers, and general body aches. Long story short. the spasms and symptoms lasted almost 4 weeks. At the time I didn't really think I was sick enough to see a Dr. along with the philosophy of I'll either get over it or get used to it, if not I'll go see a Dr. The good news is, I got over it, I think. No more symptoms now other than my long term hip problem is worse, I feel like I got a royal as$ kicking and I'm not back to normal strength yet.