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Mark Maras

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Everything posted by Mark Maras

  1. The early 260 front bumpers can be pushed back to fit against the body if one drills the bumper shocks and squeezes the oil out of them. I think it's true of the back bumpers too but can't verify it yet.
  2. That's a good idea. Several members have build threads. One of my favorites is Whee's build thread.
  3. Welcome to the Z world and this group of diseaZed fanatics You'll find very few if any smart arse remarks here. As a group, we like to keep the focus on the cars. Saw your pics over at H.Z. Share them over here too. What ideas do you have for the interior and body styling?
  4. Interesting. Google or Google Chrome? I used Chrome. Oh, I remember. I got the same motorcycle business the first time, then I added Alexandria, Va. to the search. I found a USA.com website linked to RC's name and went to an EPA profile on that site to confirm the business is still around. Found the current address for RC Automotive was the same as the one on the cam tag. Then went to Google Maps to take a look at the place. A piece of cake.
  5. Glad to help. Was he able to give you any info on the specific grind and or clearances?
  6. Wow! I used to run my 396 Chevelle in the 13s. Dipping down into the12s takes some work. Stock trans and rear end?
  7. The business plaza I saw on Google maps didn't look like there would have been a shop in the back but I'd still contact them. I'm betting they'll direct you to their cam grinding shop for more info. Good luck.
  8. First, my take on the article was Pete possibly thought that he discovered the flaw and helped the engineers solve it. Not that he solved it. Anyway, to get to the point and use your example above, "Brock believed he solved the problem". You stated that "Truth relies on perspective" but Pete's statement was his opinion based on his perspective. That didn't make it the truth. This reminds me of the old Indian tale of the blind men trying to describe an elephant by touching it. One described a leg, another, a tail, another, an ear and so on. Each one had his own perspective and opinion and they were all wrong.
  9. What in the world is under the hood or is that 1/8th mile?
  10. Welcome jonbill. What times and speeds are you getting with your 260?
  11. I don't have an answer for you but I can't help but wonder if your cam came from the same grinder as Jeff Berk. Wednesday he started a thread titled "valve adjustment with "racing" cam". The paperwork that came with the car has a cam tag from Chambers Cams. R.C. Automotive, Alexandria Virginia.
  12. I'd look into the ignition switch first. That's a common symptom when they fail.
  13. Describe how you're doing it and we'll let you know if it's right or wrong.
  14. Googled R.C.Automotive (left side of tag). The EPA has them currently listed in the same address as the tag. Google maps, it looks like the office is located in a nice looking business plaza. Might be worth exploring that avenue.
  15. I don't think so. Seems to me that point of view is based on one's perspective and possibly one's opinion, not facts.
  16. @HS30-H No convincing needed. I actually enjoy and look forward to your corrections. There have been too many alternative facts told as truth over the years and I, like others, have taken them as the Gospel and spread the misinformation. It's good to have someone with the knowledge and wants to deal in truth. BTW, I would like to hear the claims that I should take with a large pinch of salt. Keep up the good work and thanks. Mark
  17. The definitive answer is maybe. If you received any paperwork with the car, look through it and try to find the cam tag. It has the cam specs and valve clearances on it. Or, try to get the info from the P.O. or engine builder. Or, Take a look at the cam and try to find some identifying marks on it. Usually, these are found on the timing gear end of the cam. Using those marks it's possible that someone can identify the supplier and go from there. While you've got the valve cover off measure the current valve clearances and see where they're set and how close they are to the others. Maybe, just maybe, you'll find the clearances all over the scale and might come up with a reason for the poor test results.
  18. Portland Oregon, Craig's list. Search, Datsun. There's a fellow in Carson Washington that advertises "Classic Car Hubcaps- All Original - $75 (Carson)". Post #6752202200. He has a collection of center caps from the old Datsun mags. Good luck.
  19. That's a good guess. There were quite a few vehicles that ended up looking like that. My first guess was thick muddy floodwaters.
  20. Great article. Thanks. Alan, we're waiting.
  21. Over hoping? Yup. Just the Pollyanna in me. But the realist in me would be pulling the valve cover, taking a good look at the cam and valve train. Adjusting the valves and retesting.
  22. If you started the compression test with #1, #1 and #2 may be reading lower because the engine didn't have any oil pressure at first. When I start with #1 and test them all, I usually go back and retest #1 and #2 again and usually find the compression has gone up. Did you reset the valves before the latest test?
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