I'd try the straw first as Cliff suggested first but it sounds like you'll need to remove the float chamber covers and check the needles and seats for foreign matter in them and check the float level. You may need new gaskets for this procedure. There is another way to check float levels without removing the covers. One can remove the suction chambers and pistons, (no gaskets needed, be careful not to bend the mixture needles) look down at the top of the fuel nozzle. The fuel level should be just below (no more than 1/16") the top of the nozzle. I'm betting you'll see fuel above the nozzle. BTW, your nozzles should be about 2 1/2 turns down if the float level is right. Another BTW, the fuel pressure should run about 3 - 3 1/2 pounds of pressure. Much more than that and the pressure can overcome the ability of the needles and seats to shut off the fuel supply to the float chamber.