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Mark Maras

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Everything posted by Mark Maras

  1. Don't know if it would be legal but IMO the third brake light should be yellow and come on when the throttle pedal is all the way up, making it a deceleration light. In theory, that would give the driver behind a warning that one is slowing before braking. The 1/2 second or more warning would eliminate a lot of rear enders. When I was drag racing. we found that it took a 1/2 second after the light to get the car moving. Reaction time, clutch pedal travel, mechanical clearances and traction all added up to a 1/2 second. If we left when the last green flashed on (Christmas tree lights were a 1/2 second apart) we always were first off the line. Seems like that time theory would be applicable to braking too. But then, I've always questioned whether a third small brake light really does much good.
  2. Probably wouldn't make much difference in the wintertime but being a 1/2 - 3/4 qt. low on oil in hot weather would raise the engine temp.
  3. I've always adjusted the chokes so the cables have a slight arc in them when the choke is off. The arc in the wires, where they connect to the carb. linkages, ensured that the nozzles were all the way up. I never thought to check to see if the nozzles were all the way down when the choke lever was pulled. Didn't have any trouble starting the engine, even in freezing weather. Watch your nozzle position when the choke is on and off. They'll tell you what to do.
  4. To quote the Black Knight, "It's just a flesh wound." It was just a finger tip. Plenty more where that came from. I was modding a chain link weaving machine at the time. Unfortunately, my Spanish was worse than the operator's English.
  5. Reminds me of a warning that I remember in a heavy machinery operation manual. "Any primary adjustment (singular) will be followed by secondary adjustments (plural) to compensate for the primary adjustment." That tidbit of info turned out to be the most helpful sentence in the whole manual. I, of course, had to find out why.
  6. One other thing that kinda made me cringe is that last sentence, post #1(if we had #s). "The thing spins easily when cranking." I hope that's a good thing. Probable good thing is, if there is air going in and out of the leak, there's still a piston going up and down in there. I'd start by pulling the valve cover and plugs (how does # 6 differ from the others), turn it over by hand and watch everything move, including the pistons and check the valve lash. Look for pieces of metal. Rarely does a machine make a loud band without leaving evidence.
  7. It's the "loud bang" that bothers me. What in the world caused that? When did it occur? Start up? Engine warm or cold? RPM's when it occurred? Any recent work on the engine?
  8. I think you meant "Go, Jim, ( @S30Driver) GO." This is his chance to catch up with Cliff.
  9. It may be the bargain of the year. I can only drool when I think of buying a complete 280 for that price that seemingly needs little work.
  10. I'll bet Jai (@Redwing ) went outside to see if RedBird was still in the shelter.
  11. Before your mechanic starts changing nozzles and needles, I highly recommend you run the factory nozzles and needles first. They are great for street driving and it's likely you'll have less tuning and mixture problems. After it's running well you can always try different combinations. Nozzles and needles are an easy swap.
  12. Scrap value. It was just few years ago that most of us felt the same way about the 260's and 280's. It's the "Things, Stuff and Junk Theory." We buy things, things, over time, become stuff and eventually become junk. But the process reverses direction, given enough time. Junk gains value until it's stuff, and eventually becomes a thing once again. I see the ZX replacing the 260 in the red-headed step child role. Not a bad thing at all, at least it's part of the family now. When all the 280's have been gobbled up, the ZX's will be next on the menu. Get em now, while they're still cheap.
  13. Rust is the nemesis that plagues all Z's. Body condition is the first and most important thing to look for. Everything else pales in comparison to rust. The EFI seems to be a common problem on 280's too. At least until it's sorted out. Then it seems to be reliable. Suspension and steering components (bushings, tie rod ends, shocks, etc.)usually need to be refreshed.
  14. Gotta love a story with a happy ending. Thanks for sharing.
  15. Think termite mounds. Oops, misread your post, you said spit.
  16. If Dan Gurney could fit in one with a helmet, I think your friend can do it too. Note the Gurney bubble on the top.
  17. That paint job just looks wrong on a Z, also can't imagine what car it would look good on. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That said, if it is as pristine as stated it is a good buy.
  18. Is that from the Fire near Brookings? It hasn't gotten to Portland yet.
  19. You'll find them chewing on old wood fences gathering wood fiber to chew into pulp and then build the nest out of paper. Fascinating. I don't think the Chinese invented paper, they just took credit for it. I was watching a honey bee hive (daughter's) the other day and noticed what appeared to the remains of a raid on the ground at the hive entrance. Surprisingly, the honey bees did pretty good. One dead yellow-jacket for every two dead honey bees.
  20. Among the bugs that they kill are honey bees. They can wipe out a small honey bee hive in their raids for honey and larvae.
  21. I agree with Grannyknot, however, if it must go, work after dark. The hornets aren't as active then. I almost hit one with my head mowing the outback lawn some years back. I waited til after dark, clipped enough small branches to allow a garbage bag to slipped over the whole nest. Duck taped the bag opening to the branch and then lopped off the branch above the tape. Didn't get stung. Best of luck on yours.
  22. Could the problem be the oil filter? I believe that the higher priced filters have a valve in them that prevents oil from draining out of it when the engine is off, which theoretically allows the engine to build oil pressure a little sooner. Have you noticed any delay in the oil pressure gauge when starting the engine since the oil change?
  23. Reminds me of the year (late sixties) that one could rent a Hertz Mustang GT 350. One could also buy a day of track time at Kent Pacific Raceway. One hell of a combination. Some people would rent a GT 350, pull the high performance 289 and replace it with a stock Ford 289. The rental program didn't last very long.
  24. I'd paint the chassis without the panels and doors installed but paint everything at the same time.
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