@jalexquijano, I'm still gathering heat soak puzzle pieces and trying to fit them together. Nissan says that fuel percolation occurs between the f. pump and the carbs and will cause an over rich condition. Vapor lock, on the other hand, occurs on the suction side of the pump. This got me to thinking about heat sources on the suction side of the pump. Taking into consideration all the work you've done under the hood to stop the problem, is it possible that the fuel is actually getting over-heated, in traffic, in the fuel lines under the car in the tunnel? My 240 tunnel used to get very, very hot, in traffic, in the summer. I can't imagine that a new exhaust with larger pipes would help either. BTW, I don't remember if you still have a mechanical pump along with your electric one (both are supposed to help the problem)
To anyone, Was the fuel line location under the tunnel ever changed through the years? I'm still gathering puzzle pieces.