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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. Valve seals being shipped. Already did a test with ngk bp5es and cylinder 4 still fouls. Not so bad as ngk bp6es spark plug but still fouls.
  2. Took a picture of plug 4 after idling for 5 to 6 mins. This time is a hotter plug. Question can i get thosr valve seals from any supplier or should i stick to the parts that california datsun used to rebuilt my engine?
  3. My question is crystal clear. Anyway of determining which is the part that is damaged without removing the head?
  4. ok here is the diagram or picture of the engine. After removing the valve cover how can you determine if its the valve seals, seats, guides or valves that are torn? Visually how? I wouldnt like to spend 500 usd in parts which are not damaged.
  5. Done. I guess we are now ready to open and inspect the valve seals. Any video or instruction on how to accomplish this?
  6. Plug closing has not recur. However i recently installed a set of NGK BP5ES and after 5 minutes of warming, plug 4 came out fouled in dry black oil. I will do a test drive tonight. Saturday i am opening the valve cover. I will not spend US$500 in a set of new valve, guides, seals and seats just for the sake of eliminating all posibilities.
  7. ok. Just soaked it with carb cleaner. Makes ticking noise if shaken and you can blow in one direction.
  8. Just got an email from California Datsun. Company argues that such head is perfect and it should not have any problems at all. My problem is either electrical o fuel delivery? I already did the electrical test as you advised and i see small blue spark, whats left then before i open the valve cam cover?
  9. Spark plug in cylinder 4 is fouling. Could it be attributable to bad PCV Valve? How do i check and clean PCV Valve? Can you run car with rubber plug replacing PCV Valve to determine fouling cause?
  10. Spark plug in cylinder 4 is fouling. Could it be attributable to bad PCV Valve? How do i check and clean PCV Valve? Can you run car with rubber plug replacing PCV Valve to determine fouling cause?
  11. What about the PCV valve? Could the valve be stucked and the cause of the fouling of that 4th plug?
  12. Tried contacting several suppliers but no e-mails are being answered. California Datsun is not being helpful also.
  13. Schneider cam installed here. Is there anyway i can replace the valve seal in that cyl without talking the head off? Yes i guess they could check on the valve seal of that cylinder before i can spend money on changing valves, valve seals and guide.
  14. Well i guess it must be a valve seal, guide or valve. Anyone differs?
  15. Schneider cam installed here. Is there anyway i can replace the valve seal in that cyl without talking the head off?
  16. Okay after i did the spark plug boot to ground on cyl 4 i could only notice blue spark. So the problem is not electrical.
  17. Mark, I really need to move forward with this matter as i would like to drive my car in all conditions, traffic or non traffic. I bought this car in 2014 and after visiting 10 mechanics nobody has a clue on how to solve this issue in Panama. Only one knowledgeable bike engineer believes that its useless to keep adjusting valves as the problem is clearly in the valve guides or seals. This engine was rebuilt by California Datsun and has the specs described above. I wouldnt like to open and remove the cylinder head without having all the parts required for this job. Please advise if there is a kit that comes with the valve seals, valve guides and valves to carry out this work accordingly. If not which brand and parts would you recommend?
  18. Its secured. Should i try hotter plugs? I sent you the specs of this engine. I will need a camera to see if a seal inside is broken or damaged valve guide.
  19. This is whats inside my engine Compression readings attached.
  20. Compression readings attached. No throttle wide open. Just turning the car key with all six plugs removed. Cranking the engine. One by one.
  21. So whats next??? Should i open the valve cover and check valves?
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