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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. As i previously informed i disconnected the female plug from the male middle switch of the proportioning valve and the low dimming light dissapeared. I managed to spray electrical contact cleaner and brushed the tip of the male and female connectors and the light still shows up when plugging it back. What test should i perform now?
  2. Okay. Now that i will have to bleed the brakes shouldnt i get a new set of brake pads and brake drums for the rear? Can you advise on this properly?
  3. Where is the sensor? Is there a way of opening the valve?
  4. Already cleaned both the female plug connetor and the tip of the male connector with a diamond grip terminal cleaner. Light still shows up a little dim when plugged. Should i get a wrench to clean the innards of the valve?
  5. Spark plugs 4, 3, 5 and 6 at 100 mph, 3000 rpm
  6. Which is the best Brand of leads? NGK BLUE?
  7. My car is not backfiring. My dizzy has the pertronix 1761 ignitor module and the coil is a 1.5 ohm pertronix flamethrower connecet to a ballast resistor.
  8. Went for a drive and once back left the car idling for 15 mins. This was the result. I did swapped plug leads 5 with 4 and 2 with 3. Order is 6 5 4 3 2 1
  9. Could i be missing a ground strap somewhere or any kind of ground causing the plugs to foul at idle?
  10. Ill check those connectors. Which ones should i specifically check?
  11. Should i purchase that set of leads instead of another ngk blue wires?
  12. Im trying to fix this. My red light comes on very dim.
  13. Should i unscrew the center plug or sensor marked as "1" in the bottom drawing and clean it with a brush and electronic contact cleaner?
  14. Ill take a look. Is this part serviceable? Can i clean the innards
  15. Both of the brake fluid reservoirs are full.
  16. Jajajaja i discovered that by removing the female plug from the proportionate valve under the brake booster the ebrake light on the speedometer did not appear at all.
  17. This is an extra speedo i ordered many years ago. Should i just wiggle the plug to see if the dim brake light dissapears? Or do i need to take it out fully?
  18. Any video on this? I plan on removing and inspecting the instrument red brake light on my 72 240z speedometer. Can i do this by feel by hand from the rear under the steering Wheel or do i need to remove the speedometer from the front?
  19. I will stick the hand in. I have never done this as this bulbs were replaced by the shop that installed the Air Conditioner when the dash was outside the car and i guees it was easier then. I simply hope not to break any wire , contact or the bulb when wiggling it. What would be your careful approach to this?
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