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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. Just installed a coolant reservoir tank to my champion 3 row radiator. It´s working better now. Anyway, the car is still presenting some sluggish acceleration after getting stuck on a 5 to 10 mins short traffic. Can someone explain to me why if i pull out all the NGK BP6ES spark plugs and brush the carbón off, the car accelerates fine? I have both of my carbs set to 3 turns clockwise. If i lower it more, i start loosing power at 1st gear.
  2. I believe both of the seats of my car have been misplaced. One should be on the passenger side and the other on the driver´s side. I did noticed that only the right one (passenger side) is the only one that has a cable underneath. Shouldnt this cushion be on the driver´s side?
  3. My 1972 240z has a 280z 5 speed transmission. I am having issues with the bouncing needle on the speedometer and while at that i would like to know if i have the correct pinion gear. I have the black one installed and a used yellow one. WHich is the correct one??
  4. Just found that the screws that fasten to the steering tube were worn and replaced them with allen type screws. Aint this better?
  5. Mark, I installed a Stanton 160 degrees Farentheit thermostat. Ill drive the car again and take the measurements of thr float bowls and intake manifold.
  6. Mark, My mechanic discovered that one of the causes was that the car had no coolant reservoir tank and when the car gets hot in traffic it starts dumping the coolant thus aggravating the heat soak. Now with the reservoir it still gets the thermostat level gauge to 3/4 which measured with a Laser heat gun is 160°F. If you point the gun to the manifold directly it raises to 400°F. SHould i trust this gauges or due to its age they are not accurate. Another thing i notice is that when the car reaches to that temperature in a traffic jam when you accelerate, it performs in a sluggish way. What are your thoughts on these 2 issues????
  7. i have an AIrtex 8012 S electric fuel pump at the back besides the gas tank pushing fuel so i guess there should be no problem!!
  8. well finally i just purchased a pair of 5/16" Dorman glass fuel filter, clamps and hoses and forgot about any fittings or hose reductions. Problem solved and no leaks. Thanks for your advices!
  9. so you recommend purchasing the carby junky electrical idle solenoid?
  10. Got tired of raising rpms to 1300 in order to use my a/C confortably so have decided to go this electrical way. However, this idle stop solenoid is no longer available. Where else can i purchase one and how will it be wired?
  11. Ngk Bp6es Plugs at 3 turns clockwise both su carbs after some hard running and couple of traffic lights. Should i richen or lean them?
  12. Jarvo, I bought this one to use besides my champion 3 row radiator and it doesnt fit as its too tall and collides with the bottom rail of the engine bay. http://www.championradiators.com/2x13_overflow_tank Which one should i purchase then?? The one that MSA sells??
  13. Its actually a 1/4 " clear fuel filter. Sorry for the mistake.
  14. Sorry i guess i expressed a mistake on my post. The fuel hose that fits the glass fuel filter tigthly and snug is .025 as shown. The one that comes from the metal fuel line to the engine bay is 5/16. I guess its better to buy a dorman 5/16 filter then?
  15. The steel fuel line that comes from the gas tank accepts 5/16 fuel hose but the entry and exit of glass fuel filter i have is 9/16". I did noticed that even with the clamp fully tight it leaks a little bit. Should i consider getting a Dorman glass filter 5/16 in and out or will the Fram G3 whic is 3/8 may work? I really dont like to smell or sense any fuel leak.
  16. He says he only has SM Needles available! I guess ill stick with them!
  17. Is this how all the owners are wiring the electric fuel pump?
  18. My engine has been modified to 2.6L with oversized pistons and Schneider 274F. I guess i forgot to tell Bruce Palmer of Ztherapy this fact and at the moment of refurbishing the 3 screws roundtop su carbs he placed a pair of SM needles. Isnt it better to use another type of needle when having a modified and engine and a non stock camshaft? If so, which model?
  19. Should the pump be wired to the start on accesories or on start position of the ignition key?
  20. Well i guess i´m also too lean at 2.5 turns clockwise. I will need to check my plugs again and post some pictures. the car is taking 7 to 10 minutes to warm up once cranked, so during that period i need to drive with the choke on and slowly regulate it until it reaches the desirable temperatura to close the choke. Once accelerating from a stop sign it still lacks power at low rpms. I did had a flaw on both of my su carb float levels and had to set them both to .055 measured with a caliper from the top of the lid to the float. What do you recommend? Also my engine was modified to 2.6L with a Schneider 274F camshaft and i was wondering if i should also swap to better needles?? When both of my su carbs were rebuilt, ztherapy installed SM Needles.
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