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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. Your assumption is correct. Tried starting the engine back then and it did not start. Sorry for expressing myself incorrectly.
  2. I have that tool and another used remanufactured distributor. Last time i tried to install it the engine did not crank.
  3. Ok. Once again the valve seals for cylinder 4 were changed last year.
  4. Should i do a leak down test now before tearing the engine apart?
  5. Well i can open the engine and see what needs to be rebuilt. I posted the specs in previous post. Compression was good! Why another engine???
  6. Sorry im not taking the distributor and pertronix ignitor from the engine. This is the original distributor and it does work.
  7. I normally drive the car 1 or 2 hours per week only on weekends when there is no traffic to avoid engine misfire
  8. Im not opening that engine until i get a precise advice from the Group
  9. Dry test results with choke fully open and gas pedal floored: Cyl 1: 148 psi Cyl 2: 150 psi Cyl 3: 146 psi Cyl 4: 150 psi Cyl 5: 150 psi Cyl 6 : 149 psi Wet - Cyl 4: 160 psi
  10. Plugs pulled out before test. Now i will place the dry test results for your kind reference. I will only perform wet test on plug 4
  11. Ok. So i must take the car for a spin and then perform the tes as @Mark Maras described. I also posted a youtube video for reference
  12. Ok first i remove all plugs including the one that goes to the coil and crank the engine by turning the key? How do i build that oil pressure?
  13. Just bought this one. Hope it does the job following your instructions.
  14. Im actuall running BP5ES in all 6 cylinders, should i consider getting a BP4ES for cyl 4?
  15. Is this the correct way to carry out the compression test? Im done with these mechanics here in Panama:
  16. I just turned the key without stepping on the gas pedal. It was done just removing one plug at the time
  17. Compression test was done at the mechanic shop this morning, 20 mins drive from home. So engine was hot. It was a digital compression tester. I did change the plugs last night and replaced them with new ones. I can post pictures again if you like.
  18. No oil at all. Carbon fouled due to long idle during traffic jams
  19. Here is a closer pic of spark plug 4 and one of all the plugs 1 2 3 4 5 6
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