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Johnny wick

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Everything posted by Johnny wick

  1. Front and rear fuel levels after adjusting tang.
  2. Ztherapy should update that 18 years old video and do a remake of the .55 inch gap with needle valves.
  3. Until this moment nobody has come with a precise response regarding from where to where is the .55 inch, 9/16 or 14mm measured? Is the measurement taken with the tang barely touching the neddle pin or with its weight on. I measure it with the tang barely touching the needle pin and the mixture at 2.5 turns clockwise is still lean. Please see my post #156 for pictures as reference. Am i still to lean? Should i lower it?
  4. Well i tried to set mine to .55 inch barely touching the tip of the needle valve and its still lean. Ill guess ill need to bend the tang more.
  5. Where do you got this?? I have been looking for this measures for a long time. I tried getting the gap with a 9/16 inch drill bit and a digital caliper and have not been successful in the contrary to others. My floats are still too lean. I think everyone has a different method.
  6. Maybe i should try it later on when i become an expert. At the meantime ill keep up with Mark´s advice.
  7. Good. Well the good news is that this morning at 7:00 a.m. I managed to install the new airtex 8012s electric pump which arrived from amazon yesterday and now i am back at 4.2 psi. Now i can take both carb floats out and push the tang to richen the carbs.
  8. Mark, Can you point out exactly where does the fuel level must reach in the bowl?
  9. I also did the sight tube test on the front and rear carb but it does not reach to the correct level in the rear and front carb.
  10. Fuel height seems fine. Almost no fuel over the top of the nozzle. Front carb and rear cab without the dome and pistons:
  11. What if i just start with the test by leaving the car on for 5 minutes at the parking and then shut the engine before pulling the domes? After removing the domes i can take pictures and send them for your approval or decline on the correct level. Both carbs are dialed at 2.5 turns exactly.
  12. 2 last questions before proceeding: 1. How many minutes should i leave the car on before removing the domea to verify fuel level? 2. Should i take the car for a drive to warm up before installing the clear tubes to the drain plugs to verify the 23mm level? 3. From where to where shall i measure the 23 mm level? From the float lid down?
  13. Question: How do i know if the needle and seat installed is indeed in good shape and working order? Anyway i can confirm that the following pressure pump which originally rated 4.2 psi did not damage the needle and seat? https://www.summitracing.com/int/parts/atx-e8012s/overview/
  14. How many minutes of driving with the choke on? 5 to 7 minutes? When its cold it backfires through the intake and hesitates.
  15. Well 3.2 psi is not working for me as carbs are backfiring through intake when car is cold. Anyway to fix this issue without buying a new pump?
  16. How to i measure the 1/16 over the top of the nozzle?
  17. Can i try with the pair of clear sight plastic tubes i bought from z therapy and which are fastened on the drain plugs? Will i be able to get the floats set better with these tubes more precisely? If so how does this work?
  18. I installed the taller size needle and seat and move the pin of the float to the original slot.
  19. Okay. If i want to verify that both carbs are synchonized at the same 2.5 turns clockwise which means lowering the nozzle at 2 full turns and a half isnt these pictures sufficient proof? I still dont understand why my mechanic lowered the jet to 4 turns and drilled another hole to compensate the height of the needle valve. The guys at ztherapy supposedly set both jets at 2.5 turns equally.
  20. Its like that since the float level was supposely adjusted by my mechanic.
  21. I guess ill need to start with the float tuning issue.
  22. I would like to tune the floats myself. In trying to make him understand the both carbs must be at 2.5 turns clockwise and he said it is not possible as the car will run rich.
  23. The weird thing is that i found both pistons black when i pulled them out. Could this be due to bad calibration of the .55 inch gap?
  24. any pictures so i can guide myself after removing both drain plugs and installing the sight clear plastic tubes i bought from ztherapy in order to set the correct level on both carbs? i hope i can dial both su carbs at 2.5 turns clockwise equally.
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